Don’t Freak Out When Life Rearranges Itself, You Asked For Change Didn’t You?



Is life flipping upside down and inside out? Do you feel tempted to freak out and run for the hills?  STOP!  It’s party time.  You asked for change and that’s what you are getting.  You said you wanted things to be different, you just couldn’t stand it the way it was anymore.  You set a lot of energy into motion and it’s releasing you from the previous thought form or experience.  Rather than going nuts and trying to grab hold of everything and everyone so you can keep them in their place, rejoice and release.  Let it all go with your blessing.

We humans tend to be silly when we are in the middle of the next life creation.  We notice all the energy in flux, things and people leaving our space and we freak out.  Today take note of what is moving out and wave goodbye to it.  Bless it, give thanks to all the wisdom you’ve come to understand by interacting with it.  Know that new experiences, life adventures are on the way.  Embrace them.  You don’t have to understand what it’s all going to look at this time time week.  Just trust that you asked for change and change is happening.

Follow the signs and interact with everything like it’s a new adventure, which it is.  When things fall apart it’s so they can move on and something new  can move in.  Leave that space open for the new to show up.  Guide what’s happening with your excitement, hopes, dreams and let it unfold.

Don’t be one of those folks who ask for a better relationship and then beg the person you are presently in a bad relationship with to stay and he or she walks out the door.  Hold the door open to what is leaving and keep that door open to welcome what shows up.  You can’t have change by holding onto what’s already there.  Change, real change is realized when we release and heal.  Celebrate life as it unfolds for you.  Use your thoughts, feelings and actions to guide your interaction with life.  This is thriving at it’s highest form, no resistance.. just pure joy.

What’s changing in your life?  How are you dealing with it?  Can you bless it and let it go or do you feel afraid and start grabbing at everything moving out?  I’d love to hear from you.. so leave me a comment.. let’s talk about it.


51rPMi-O6qL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_  I wrote this book to aid you in the process of going from surviving to thriving.  Give How To Thrive In A Survival Mindset a read.  It’s at Amazon