
About Donna DeVane

You are weary of peeling layer after layer from that infinite sized onion only to find there is always another layer of pain, habit & reaction. You are ready for a way to release yourself from the bondage of struggle & step confidently into a New Expression of Divine You!

Donna DeVane

Donna DeVane offers the Healing Tool for everyone who is ready to move into a new experience and consciously create the life adventure that delights, pleases and satisfies all levels of Divine Human experience. Starting with information on the chakras and how to balance them, releasing blockages from this life time & the human DNA history, the student / reader is engaged with exercises that make the spiritual teachings real and meaningful in today’s world without all the cliches and empty promises.

You are guided and given the tools to do your Shadow Work through over 24 weekly lessons and more than 20 years of healing experience. A Journey Back To Self is the only guidebook you need on your Journey to Remembering Who You Are and moving past limiting beliefs to Living Consciously.

Donna also offers ongoing support on her weekly radio show A Journey Back To Self heard live on the Awakened Radio Network.

“Donna is a constant positive voice for women’s empowerment, willing to buck the *norm* to make sure women’s voices are heard!”

Colin Bulla

Interview Donna DeVane
Donna has also authored several other books on the topics of self help, consciousness & empowered living. Her work champions the Divine Human Factor & urges everyone to lay aside limiting beliefs and move into the full expression of Who They Are.  Donna teaches the principles for being happy and thriving with real life how to stories and examples that make understanding them easy and practical.  She’s been teaching on spiritual well being and conscious living for most of her life, following her passion to help others realize that they are always loved and supported by Source.

There is only abundance.  What there is abundance of is determined by each person creating through fear or wisdom.  Not only is Donna passionate about writing, radio and teaching but she also enjoys being a guest on pod casts and radio shows.  To arrange an interview with her send Donna an email Donna@AwakenedRadio.net or visit the interview questions page to leave a comment.


Donna DeVane On Politics
Several years ago Donna began talking about Political Spirituality due to world events concerning freedom, rights, food, medicine and the environment. Her passion is to help others realize that there really is nothing new under the sun, humanity has continued a cycle of repeating the pattern of oppression, poverty, slavery of the spirit and struggle. Her intention is to light a path revealing to everyone the power available to create exactly the personal Eden desired to be experienced. Her speech is plain and often peppered with southern charm and humor as she talks straight from her heart to the heart of her readers and those who know her. She has been nicknamed “the barefoot guru” due to her grounded lifestyle and “fearless captain” because she doesn’t sugar coat the truth.

Taking responsibility for what each of us create and our role in world conditions and events is what Political Spirituality is all about. Pointing out that the fear we each continue to live is the energy that creates the fearful conditions we see all around us. She offers insight and wisdom into simple and honest solutions for bringing about change in the individual life which ultimately changes our world.

I’d love to join you on your radio broadcast, podcast, TV show or public speaking event.


“In a time when authenticity and a genuine voice is needed to engage in conversations addressing, questioning and expounding on with topics that others might find confusing, uncomfortable, or worthy of investigation, Donna boldly shares her thoughts, feelings and views of insight in a no-non-sense and sometimes humorous and charming way! Informative, entertaining and down-to-earth, Donna’s commitment to researching, questioning and exploring relevant and interesting topics of our time, is sure to engage, educate and empower others. Her commitment to Awakened Radio Network is admirable as she tirelessly serves to enlighten others.”

Glorie Iaccarino, Artist/Educator/Advocate.

The founder/Director of The Eco Arts Council, Quad Cities and Owner of Zola Gallery.


“Donna has an amazing ability to guide you to tap into your greatest strengths so that you can learn to create your life to the fullest potential. As an entrepreneur and the CEO of an International Software Engineering company, I felt immediately that Donna was a kindred spirit. Donna gives you practical advice on how to break free from your fears and blocks to know what you need to do to move forward no matter what your circumstances are. She combines a powerful combination of spirituality, knowledge, warmth, and a dose of her own determination to help to see your path. You can’t fail to be inspired by her story as well.”

Nancy Knettell

C.E.O. at Signet Medical Systems


“Donna DeVane, radio host and author, is hard to categorize into any particular category. But, she is always herself and proud of it. To understand her you only need to listen to a few minutes of any of her YouTube videos or radio shows to find out for yourself who Donna is. She is probing, yet funny. She’s willing to ask tough questions about herself, and share her learning with the world. Her irreverent charm, and keen insight will quickly grab hold of your heart and keep you coming back for more, even if you don’t always agree with her deeply penetrating thoughts. You’ll find that she is happy if you simply begin to wonder about who you are.”

Rob Ragozzine author of “Your Life Counts”


“Donna DeVane is a wonderful example of someone living their message. She offers a grounded and practical approach to Spirituality that really works for real life. Her books, videos and radio broadcasts offer a means to connect to these down-to-earth teachings, which, if practised and applied in your life, will contribute to the discovery and healing of old wounds, personal empowerment and the birth of a better life. Donna is showing us how it is done! She is insightful, raw, and wise and will inspire you with the journey she has taken into herself as both ‘Donna’ and ‘Consciousness’. Donna DeVane, the Barefoot Guru, is a courageous teacher for a world waiting for permission to evolve.”

Susan Kern, M.Sc.,

Biofeedback Specialist and Founder of the Magical Life Institute

Author Donna DeVane

Books by Donna DeVane

A Journey Back To Self Living Consciousness

How To Thrive In A Survival Mindset World

How To Be Happy And Live Free

How To Stay Motivated For Success

Transformation Messages Go FM Frequency

Kindle books include

Power Of The Past Freedom of Forgiveness

Creating Yourself A Mini Guide To The LOA

Success Lifestyle