Life is an all you can eat buffet

Have you ever been to in all you can eat restaurant?  When you work in the door you’re surrounded by all manner of food, each call that vegetables and glorious dessert. All you have to do to begin dining is take a plate and begin filling it with just what you want.  You are not obligated to eat everything that offered, can pick and choose exactly what you want.  The great thing about all you can eat buffets and is that why are all manner of food is offered now are the one who gets decide what you eat.  If you don’t like liver and onions you simply do not put it on your plate.  If you prefer fried chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy then you heap your plate full of that.


Life is like an all you can eat buffet.  You were always surrounded by millions of choices.  You alone get to decide what you will experience.  And just like at the buffet if you don’t like what you choose you are not obligated to consume it.  And I’ll personally do not like liver and onions so when I go to the buffet and I simply do not choose that dish.  I don’t fuss and make a scene, by simply choose something more to my liking.  I don’t try to force the restaurant to stop serving liver and I onions either.  I noticed the liver and onions are being offered and move right along to choose exactly what I want.  Most of our unhappiness and two to staying focused on what we don’t want to go longer than on what we do want.  Where your attention goes creation grows.


Getting what you want is much easier than you’ve been taught.  Simply spend more time thinking, feeling it, and believing you can have what you want then you do focused on what you don’t want.  You would think me silly if I went to the restaurant and had a fit the cause the restaurant serve liver and onions and I don’t like them.  How long would I have to complain about not liking liver and onions before I got something different?  Wouldn’t it be much simpler to notice the liver and onions and then walk to the chicken and put that on my plate?  Something to think about; how often do you really want chicken yet spend most of your day complaining about the liver and onions you have?  Doesn’t it make more stance simply focus on the chicken?


This is the process of creating with law of attraction principles and once you understand how simple it is you will pay more attention to what you are focused on and make sure that your thoughts, feelings, and  actions lead you to what it is wanted rather than more of what is unwanted.  Doing what you want mail eat it is the result of paying attention only to what is wanted.  There is no harm and noticing unwanted situations just don’t stay there too long.  Know what you want, delete that you can have it, and keep working in that direction.  The way of successfully creating what you want every time.  Have fun with the process and create to your little hearts content.

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