Free Through Forgiveness


Set Your Self Free

You don’t forgive for others, you forgive to set yourself free from the emotional and energetic connections of the past.  While it doesn’t feel that easy to, you might even think it’s letting someone get away with the act that caused you pain, it isn’t about them. It’s about you.  You are not the experiences you’ve had.  You are not the feelings you experience now towards the past.  You are creative Source Energy, able to create something new as soon as you let go of the hold the past has on you. Often we are so identified with what’s happened to us, that we have no idea of who we are any more without the identity of the past experience.  Letting go not only feels threatening to your emotions, but your sense of who you are screams out and resists because who will you be without the experience?  What will you identity with if you forgive and let go?

Here is the exciting part of forgiveness; it’s let you move into the experience of Who You Really Are that you’ve denied all these years.  You begin to know yourself as love, joy, powerful creative energy able to do, be, have whatever you desire.  Being released through forgiveness is your opportunity to fly from the nest with wings spread wide as you soar over mountains and streams taking it all in.  It’s like being born again, this time without the hindrances of emotional locks and chains to the past. You begin to believe in possibilities again, perhaps for the first time in many years.  The way you see life and situations shifts over to what can I do next kind of thinking, you experience freedom in thinking, dreaming, knowing that you deserve something better and knowing that you can have that experience.

Forgiveness is the key that opens the door to a new life created with a new vision and understanding of Who You Are and what you can do.  It cuts the connection between you and the person who hurt you.  Through forgiveness you can both move on into a new life.  Forgiveness is a statement, an act, that states , “I take responsibility for my own life”.  Responsibility isn’t an ugly four letter word either, it means you realize you are able to do something else, to make another choice, to create another experience for yourself.

Take a situation right now, hold it lightly in your mind, say softly; I love you which is your agreeing that you are ONE with All.  You are offering yourself as a channel of Divine Love, knowing yourself as the power of love.

Now say, “I’m sorry”.  You are taking your power back, owning the responsibility for being able to change things with a new thought, a new idea, new actions.

Now say, “Please forgive me”.  You are not asking the person who hurt you for forgiveness, rather you are declaring your forgiveness of your self and any guilt you may hold for GOD or family.

Let it go and say, “Thank you”.  It’s done.  You’ve taken the steps necessary to forgive and let go.  It’s not about just saying the word.  Intend to BE FREE of the past and allow the energy of love to flow in and through you as you go through the steps.

If you’d like more help on forgiving check out my book at Amazon