Predetermine your life experiences. Creating as Creator.

You already predetermine your experiences, mostly, though, you are unaware of what you are creating and how.  Pause for a moment and consider all the time spent worrying, dreading, dreaming up and imagining how life is soon going to be for you.  See the power of that?

That’s how it’s done.  I could stop right here as that is the key.

Take that same principle and use it with the ideas of what you really do desire to experience.  Stop worrying your experiences into place, rather, dream your life into place.  It’s that simple.  It might not feel so easy to start with as you haven’t practiced this way of creating often enough for it to feel natural.  Continue practicing.  Imagine what you desire to experience.  Always go there.  When the mind wanders STOP and go into your imagination and create your desires.

Just keep doing that.  Do it over and over again day in and day out.  No matter what is there for you now, interact lightly with it knowing it’s just a shadow.  Keep your mind fixed on your desires and soon you will begin noticing how your experiences start to change.  Stay the course.

Love yourself well!

Keep That Energy Ball Rolling Along

You are what keeps it going. Whatever it is! You keep it rolling right along. Have you ever noticed how when one or two people in a group start expressing anger more and more people join the party?  Same thing for giving thanks and kindness.  Once we get energy moving it expands and more of it is expressed. That’s why it’s so danged hard to stop the anger and fighting.  Too many people are rolling that energy ball down the road.

Not only do we do this as groups, but individually as well.  As long as you hold onto a train of thought it’s added to with feeling, actions, circumstances, which brings about even more thoughts along the same line.  It builds into forms which leads to even more energy being expanded and created.  We all do it.  We worry, complain, gossip, express our fears and our anger.  The more we do the more we create the very same things we are worrying and complaining about.

Recently I have been watching a group of people who are weary of the ugly words of others.  Some people in this group are expressing their lack of pleasure by stating that they just simply will not be part of it any long.  Others are fussing and cussing about how horrible it all is and poking fingers at the ones causing the problem.  Do you see what’s being created here?  The more people fuss the more the fussing people fuss, so it continues.

A big topic of conversation is how we can change the world.  Leave the world alone and change YOUR world.  You are not in control of the thoughts and actions of others.  You don’t have to play with them, you can move into a new experience at any time.  Change your world.  Choose your thoughts, words, feelings, actions to be in line with how you want to experience your world.

You have ALL the power in your own life and your own creations.  Stay true to your course, flow all the energy into your dreams and desires.  Let others do the same.  Start by loving & respecting yourself.  It all starts there.  Without love for you there will be little love for others.  Loving yourself, honoring yourself overflows into kindness towards others.

This is how we change the world.

I love you!!!

Donna DeVane The Barefoot Guru

Visit my YouTube Channel!

Secret to Success is Celebration

I find it funny how much more quickly people share struggles, gossip and problems than seem to celebrate the success of others.  Do you see the energy of that?  What your mind is full of, (mindfulness), the more of that you get to play in.  Why not change things about and invest tons and tons of energy into celebration all the success you see all around you every day?  This is the BIG SECRET!

Because I’ve been in the public eye for ten plus years I’ve had a few folks who felt that they just had to find something about me that they didn’t like. Perhaps I charged for my books or charged for private classes or coaching. That’s actually how I pay my monthly expenses by the way. Big Smile

Thankfully this hasn’t happened often but it was surprising to me when it did happen.  I realized pretty quickly that I could get all bent out of shape over ONE person not liking me or I could Celebrate the Firecrackers out of the many who appreciated what I am and what I do.

Guess which I chose?  You got it.  No matter whether you do big things or little things someone will not be able to celebrate you… so celebrate yourself.  Notice the success all around you.. celebrate it.. knowing that it is just as available for you as it is for anyone.  Fill your mind up with this knowing.. Celebrate..

I love you.. love yourself well..

When People Come Against You

We’ve always had people who didn’t agree with us. Even Bullying isn’t new. Gossip has been around forever too.  With the internet and people being able to hide behind icons and made up user names things have grown to huge proportions. Today it only takes a few minutes for a tale to go all around the globe.

What do YOU do with all these stories?  Do you just jump on the bandwagon rolling by and take part?  What if that gossip is about YOU or someone you care about?  This is the problem with meddling in the business of others.  Personally I am not the least concerned with the private affairs of anyone. I am not interested in who is dating, divorcing or cheating with whom. I have business of my own and enjoy my very exciting and interesting life.

So what about you?  Are you a gossip?  Do you just go along with whatever is being said and share it with anyone who will listen?  I would be so excited to see a world where good stories made the rounds more quickly than gossip.  Can you imagine that?  How awesome that would be.

Now what about when you are the one being talked about?  What do you do?  Because I’ve been in the public eye for several years I’ve had a few tales told about me.  Now and then someone goes to the radio station chat and feels it necessary to type their fears about me for others to see.  I’ve even had a few folks share their dislike of me on social media over the years.

Do those stories have any thing to do with me?  Not really!  Many years ago one of my students carried a signature line on his email that stated a wonderful and empowering truth.  “What others think of me is NONE of my business”!  I love that and repeat it to myself on that rare occasion when someone sees me through their filter of fear. When people react to us the are for the most part not even knowing us, rather they are seeing themselves in us.  That is the reason for all the gossip and anger.  We see our own fear and beauty in others.  We are reflections for one another, like a 3D movie.  We see what we are most involved in energetically with in our own lives.

Free yourself by releasing gossip and fear.  Look for, acknowledge and celebrate the beauty and power within yourself and be amazed at how you begin to notice this all around you.

Donna DeVane

The Barefoot Guru

I love YOU.. Love yourself well.

Expand Your Experience Follow the Happy


I love happy.  I write about happy.  I talk about happy.  I follow happy.  Following the fun assures my happy.  How bout you?  Are you actually enjoying your life or just making it through from one day to the next?  I understand how you feel about working to pay bills, take care of responsibilities, etc.  BUT did you know that you can do all those things and enjoy them?  It’s attitude and perspective.  Just last night a young man asked what I did for “work”, to which I replied that I “play at working”.  He told me how lucky I am and I agree.  I’m lucky that I realized a few years ago that I can do what I enjoy and actually have money to do the monthly expenses, eat out, travel etc.

He told me that he was out of work and needed to find a job.  I asked what he loved doing.  After he told me I suggested he start his own business doing just that.  Now get this.. he DID NOT jump up and down with joy at the prospect.. rather he began giving me a list of reasons why he CAN NOT do that.  OK.

It’s all about your outlook.  How are  you seeing things?  Hint here.. what it looks like “out there” is how you are seeing it in your emotions & beliefs.  That’s why it keeps looking like that.  Being happy isn’t hard.  It doesn’t require any thing or any one to show up and do anything either.  It’s a state of mind.  It’s a choice.

Follow the fun, decide on happy.  No matter what’s going on in your life decide on happy.  Watch as new doors open for you bringing even more to celebrate.

Check out my FIVE autographed book deal to help you get your happy on!

I love you

love your self well!

Joyful Receiver Keeping Flow Of Abundance Open

Donna DeVane Books

A lot of us grew up being told it was better to give than to receive.  That’s just not totally true.  Here’s why.  When you give and give and give without knowing how to joyfully receive you run out of something to give.  Have you ever felt resentful about how much you give to so many people and how little you seem to get?  I bet you have.  See, learning to receive with great joy keeps the abundance of all that good stuff flowing into and out and into and out and into your experience. Giving is a powerful way to have more of the great experiences show up in your life IF you are good at receiving as well.

Now I’m not talking about the “gimme gimme free free” mindset where people can never get enough free stuff or are always running from one place to another looking for something free.  That’s all about lack, poverty and not valuing yourself or others.  What I’m talking about is knowing YOUR worth and valuing both what is given and received.  When you accept gifts of all kinds, whether they be actual stuff, compliments, money or kindness you are agreeing with the flow of abundance and inviting more of that into your life and the life of all those you interact with.

Giving for most of us is easy, receiving maybe not so much.  Think of being a good receiver like this; your arms and heart are always open and outstretched, embracing life and all it’s gifts with dance and song.  Close your eyes for one minute and see you doing that, having that experience.  Receiving is about having that experience right now, where you are, even if you don’t physically have it in your hand.

Recently on one of my radio shows I used examples of how I won a few drawings for items I wanted to experience. I didn’t need them, or try to pull them to me.  I felt them mine, I experienced having them before my name was chosen.  That’s the how of receiving.  Give, yes.. give from you abundance.. Receive.. yes.. from the place of knowing that it’s already yours. Play around with this imagination game and let me know how it works for you.  I love comments.

Check out the GREAT BOOK DEAL on my Website

Creating Life On Purpose in 2015


WOW another year has come and gone. That was fast!  Most of us are thinking about how we want 2015 to line up for us.  I know I am thinking in those terms.  I’ve started making my list of stuff to do, to experience.  A few more books are on the drawing board for the coming year along with a few courses I’m putting together.  I’ve added a garden and a move to my list too, along with new furniture and new friends.  I love expansion of celebration energy.

I’ve got a few new things going on now for you too.  See the picture above?  It’s a special special for  you.  I don’t do autographed books that often but felt the nudge to put all five of these together in one autographed package to aid you in creating your year your way.  That’s important.  Your way.  Not the way someone tells you it should be, but the way you want to experience your very own life.  It is your life after all and you have the say so about how it lines up for you.  Go to Shift My Beliefs for that great deal. It will open in a new page so you can stay here and take part in something else that awesome!  I’m going all out to inspire you to create on purpose.

OK, here is the next Awesome thing I have for you.  I have 15 audio copies of I Can Fill This Space With Any Thing I Want Consciously Creating Life.  Audible gave them to me for me to give to you.  Audible asks that you leave a review after listening and I ask that you practice the principles in the book in the coming year. Now, how do you get a copy?  Leave me a comment here.  Look where it says, leave a comment, at the end of this post.  Once you do that I will be able to email you with the code for the audio book.  It’s that easy.

Now honestly, the book is not going to jump up and transform your life.  You get to do that.  The book is simply a guideline on how to do it with gusto and fun.  What are you waiting for?  Go ahead and leave a comment.  Say, Hey Donna.. I want a copy!

I love you.. love yourself well..

When No One Likes Me, What Then?

Have you ever had one of those moments when for no reason, out of no where, someone just didn’t like you?  Recently I had someone Thumb Down one of my videos on YouTube.  I just sat there wondering about it for a few minutes.  They hadn’t left a comment stating what about it they didn’t like, it was just there. A Thumb Down!

That’s a little thing but a good example to use in this blog post.  What do you do when someone doesn’t like you or disagrees with you?  Do you get all bent out of shape and strike out in anger or sulk away to lick your wounds?

I accept that not everyone gets me and that’s OK. Honestly I don’t get everyone either.  I don’t thumb down videos that I don’t agree with, I just move on to the next one.  I do that with conversations, movies, interactions with people too.  Nothing to get all tangle dangled up about.  Just go on to the next offering OR better yet.. create an experience that is much more to your liking.

That’s what I did with the Thumb Down video.  I went to Twitter and asked people to thumb it up for me.  Quite a few did and I really appreciate that. 

Moral of this story: let all the Thumbs Down in your life be little things that you just laugh about as you move into something you enjoy!

Donna DeVane

The Barefoot Guru

But How Can I Be Happy When Everything is SO Wrong!


I understand. Really, I do.  I’ve been there and may be there again. Here’s why.  What you are experiencing right now is the residue or left over energy of your last master piece.  Yep, that’s right.  This is what you already created. Now, just release it and stay in the new creation.

First accept that everything in your life is there due to you.  No one is doing anything to you or holding anything from you.  That’s some mighty power you have there!  Now that we’ve got that under our belt simply move on to going within to create what you want.  Use that powerful imagination of yours that you’ve used to create everything else with.  This time use it and master your mind, seeing only what you’ve asked for, knowing that it’s already yours.

Stay in that.  When you senses show you what was rather than what IS, instruct them in the truth! The truth is, that is not how it is anymore.  Then take a few moments to visit again in your imagination how it IS!

That’s the Big Secret!  YOU have the power.  Use it to master your life!

Don’t Let Your Senses Deceive You Any Longer


Chances are you are only seeing what has already been made form through your thinking, believing and feeling.  STOP!

Don’t let your senses deceive you any longer.  What you see is the left overs of thoughts and feelings brought into form on your behalf.  You can have new experiences but you first must release your emotional addiction to what already is.  Think of it this way; what is going on in your life right now is the residue of thoughts you’ve already had and emotions you’ve already felt.  Once you release them they no longer have form.

How do you release them?  Simply by going within your Sacred Space and moving into a new knowing.  We’ve spent years peeling onion layers that only exist because we continue creating them.  STOP!  By now you probably know what  a lot of your beliefs, limits and self doubts are.  Stop entertaining them.  Stop giving life to them.

In your prayer closet, in your mediation, in your Sacred Space know deeply Who You Are.  Feel only that.  Think only that.  Express only that with your words and actions.  This is the path of the Master. 

I’ve written books for you, done hundreds of videos and radio shows for you.  I even offer right here on this website to work with you as your guide.  The next step is yours. Only a few will take up this path.  Only a few will Be a Master.

Will you?

I love you.. love yourself well.

Donna DeVane

The Barefoot Guru