Will USA Inc Censorship Take us down?

With the banning of Alex Jones we all get to see the BIG picture. Disagree with “the man” and you will be booted into the between realms where no one knows your name nor can they interact with you. Don’t get me wrong, I love technology. I got online in 1996 with a custom built PC and used ICQ to talk with people around the world. I’ve been through MySpace & AOL too. I still hear the sounds of dial up internet now and then.

Today we are not using the internet and social media for making friends & hanging out with family. A lot of us, myself included, promotes our books, radio podcasts and websites through the web. The internet has become an all day & night part of our lives. We are on it more than we sit in front of a TV. A lot of us don’t even have a TV any longer as we use the net for all our business & entertainment needs.

Due to our changing our lives around to make use of the web & technology we have all become part of the “monster” that is BIG Social Media. Remember back when YouTube was first starting and we all uploaded cute videos of our daily activities? From there some of us got serious and realized the power we had at our fingertips. With these now social media giants we could speak out about things that concerned us and sometimes even be found by others of like mind.

That is now changing! The Social Giants are not so friendly these days. I personally had my original YouTube channel deleted a few months back after years of no problems what ever with them. Within 3 days and after “numerous severe violations” of which I was not told what these were, my channel with over 1,000 videos disappeared into a black hole. No explanation given, just gone!

Now you might be thinking, “she must have called people names or she’s a racist.. nope.. I’m a nice old fashioned southern lady who doesn’t even cuss in public. I’ve spent years encouraging people to come together and stop the infighting so that we can create a better world. I don’t take a side in politics as I am of the firm opinion that religion & politics are the two most damnable things ever created to control the hearts & minds of mankind. The only team I pick is Alabama football & Life. So why would I be censored? Could it be because I don’t pick sides? Could it be that rather than encouraging people to stay angry and afraid I invite folks to respect life & live with dignity? I have to wonder.

When I was young and witnessed the murder of the Kennedy boys & Martin Luther King, saw marches in my home state for equality, watched as women burned their bras, protested the War that wasn’t a war in Viet Nam, I never thought the strangle hold of “the establishment”, “the Man” would grow tighter as I got older. At almost 63 I am shocked by the anger and fear taking hold in so many. I am amazed at how willing so many are to buy into the political crap spewed out minute by minute online.

Even the truth movement isn’t looking for truth, they are just looking for more to prove that they are right and others are wrong. Folks are hating on and name calling for a difference of opinion rather than sitting down together and presenting their take on a topic. I am appalled at how ugly so many people are acting. I have to wonder why & have come up with this. The Game of fear is working better than ever. Baby Bush told us that terrorists were every where and now we see them all around us. We are afraid of people who are different from us, we are worried about not being liked on media, we dread being unfriended or the thumb’s down button being used on something we post.

It’s time for us all to put our big boy & big girl panties on and grow up. If we don’t stand together now things will get a lot worse. I don’t even want to think about how bad it will get for everyone if we don’t call a halt right now to our being reactionaires & just following along with the crowd. We MUST put down our divisiveness and come together to stand for what if right, what is good for all of us. If we don’t make this choice soon our children and grandchildren will grow up in a world that none of us could even imagine.

Will you take a stand for humanity? I sure hope so, we are running out of time to turn this around.

End of the World or Time to Evolve Already

Have you ever wondered why humanity is trained to be so fearful?  Think about it for a moment.  We fear getting sick, people leaving us, death, being robbed, what others think about us.  Why?  Why do we invest so much energy & time into fearing what might happen?

It’s about control.  Not self control, but the few controlling the masses through the power of fear. Yes, it is a very powerful tool and has worked for thousands of years.  Even the “spiritual” leaders use fear to build up their following.  If you don’t believe me just check out YouTube.

I get tickled when the “spiritual gurus” fall in line with the fear mongering of mainstream religion and politics.  How many times does the messiah have to miss the coming back dead line before people wake up and stop listening? How many times does the earthquake, you know that, BIG ONE, not shatter the country, before we stop listening to the doom day sayers?

What would happen in YOUR life if you focused your attention on living a life of joy and wonder?  Pause for just a moment and let yourself ponder that question.  What would your life be like if instead of living in fear you rather lived in joy and awe?

Are you willing to invest wisely in your life?  You want change?  Then it’s time to do the work.  Deal with the fear, face it, then let it go.  Move into a new mind set of joy and love.  You can.  There is no one more powerful or more loved than you are right this moment. Embrace that!  Live That~

I love you

Love yourself well!

How To Get The Struggle Out Of Life Wealth The Easy Way



Are you tired of struggling?  I know you are.  I hear from people all week long through my social networks and radio show who are just fed up with feeling like rats fighting for crumbs.  You just might be one of those folks who have just had it with all the promises of success through reading a book, or taking a course or attending a webinar.  How much time and money have you invested in things that just don’t work?  Are you ready for success? 

First define wealth for yourself.  That’s a HUGE first step.  What does it mean for you?  Write it down in your journal and feel it.  I’m not talking about just getting emotional about it either.  Feel the reality of it in your bone marrow.  KNOW that nothing is ever withheld from you by Source.  You are the only one with the power to present yourself with experiences.  You’ve lined things up the way they are for a reason.  That reason is to remind you what you are believing into form and show you that you are powerful to create these situations.  Here is the kicker… the same way you get all that struggle is how you get wealth and joy and happiness!

Most often we ask for something because we simply want to escape the feeling we are currently in.  Take time to get honest with yourself about that.  If you are wanting money because you are feeling awful about not having enough money that will only bring about more not having enough. ( Yes I know I rambled with that sentence, I meant to get your attention & it did that big time)  Let’s take another example.  You want a great relationship because you either don’t have a relationship at all and don’t like being uninvolved or the one you are in stinks.  Perhaps you are experiencing dis-ease and crying out for health because you don’t want to be sick anymore.

I get where you are coming from, honestly I do.  I can also promise you that that way of using energy will only result in more of the same stuff you say you don’t want.  Let me give you a walk through of what I’m talking about here.  Look at the top of this page, notice where it says Farm.   That’s a dream of mine.  Now I don’t live there now.  When I drove by it and my daughter texted to find out the price I didn’t have the amount of money in my bank to purchase it.  (That’s not the actual house / prosperity by the way) The actual property has 38 acres, swimming pool, two story four bedroom, 3 bath, formal dining room etc.. nice.. very nice.   Zoe and I made an appointment for a walk through and fell in love with the place.  I instantly knew it was the energy I want to experience for not only my home but the Lady’s Farm Healing Retreat.  I stated that I only needed to sale 100,000 books and we’d move in.  It’s still available too.. we went by the other day.

Anyway here is my big point.  My focus isn’t on not having the $315,000 to purchase it, that keeps it always out there in dream la la land.  My focus in on the experience I want to have.  Living in  that home or one like it, swimming in the pool, riding the horses, entertaining guests, having people, (maybe even you) join me for a weekend or a week of self exploration,  and enjoying the firecrackers out of the experience.  Having the money isn’t the main thing.  The experience of the home, living there, eating there, enjoying myself is the key.  Do you see what I’m talking about here?

Ok, let’s move on.  Struggling is based on not having.  It’s rooted in escaping a situation more than anything else.  I don’t want to get away from the life I have now, I want an expansion of it.  Feel the difference?  Wealth is based on the whole experience, the whole thing.  It’s not about trying to get away from or out of anything, it’s all about moving into a new expression of wonder and fun.  This attitude always allows that what you desire is already possible.  Running to rather than running from makes a monumental difference in the ease of your life.  Struggling with life is always the result of not being clear about what you do want.  It’s based in not enough, lack, hard times.  Running to empowers you through the wisdom that everything you ask for is already yours.  Like the Lady’s Farm, it’s already mine.  I asked, it’s done.  That experience is already there just waiting for me to walk completely into it.  While it’s unfolding I’m enjoying the process.  That process is writing articles, blogs, books, doing my radio shows, videos, cooking, cleaning, sleeping and playing.  In other words I take steps all day long, every day, to be in that experience. 

I have defined wealth for me and it includes health, friendship, money, laughter, helping others, and yes stuff like houses, food, and cars.  I don’t wait until all that is here in my hands to know wealth either.  It’s mine.  NOW!  I enjoy it each moment of each day.  One of the most powerful things you will do for yourself is to take time to define wealth for yourself.  Be honest.  Are you running from or running towards?  That makes the difference.

If you’d like a bit of help check out my Kindle, print and audio books.  I also work privately with folks and you could be one of those people.  See services page and Consciousness Power.

Palestine Israel The Pope And Southern Baptist War Of Beliefs

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Let me start off by saying this blog is not so that you can agree with me.  Actually, it’s not relevant to me whether I am agreed with or not.  I have what my mother always called, “what comes up comes out” tendencies, meaning I don’t put much stock in political correctness and such silliness that keeps mankind enslaved to religion and political masters.  With that on the table I will continue.. a hum…. lol

When are we going to wake up to some real truths in this world?  Truths about the control of lies through religion and politics?  Do we have to be wiped out, diseased, does genocide have to include our family before we realize that there is something going on here behind the scenes?  How long must humanity, the whole planet suffer under the ignorance of religious and political rule?  Do you really think that you don’t have sense enough to self govern and you require others to make and enforce rules for your behavior?  Do these rules even work? NO!

You can not mandate morality or anything else by passing laws, arresting people or killing another large group of humans.  It DOES NOT work!  So why do we continue?  Right now people are taking sides over the Israeli and Palestinian “war”.  I can’t tell you how many people have gotten upset with me because the only side I choose is the side of life and humanity.  Some “Christians” choose Israel because they were told by the church that to curse Israel would bring a curse down on them.. and we don’t want to be cursed by GOD do we?  Others choose Palestine because they always support the underdog and Palestine is indeed that, they don’t have the billions of  bucks that the US gives to Israel or the weapons given as gifts either.  What Palestine does seem to have is some people who are really ticked off with Israel and who hide among the civilians in Gaza, bunch of cowards.  It’s also an act of cowardice to bomb hundreds of civilians in order to maybe wipe out a terrorist or two.

Yep, I’m digging down on this today boys n girls.  Hang in there with me.. I’ll make my point in another few lines or maybe another paragraph or two. 

I’m not interested in whether or not you support either of these political monsters or which religious monster you support either.. even the new age religion is part of this.  My point is that it’s all about control.  Total control.  Looking outside yourself for permission, power, acceptance, love, peace etc. etc. etc.  Here we are almost in 2015 still worshiping kings, popes, religion and doing so because of beliefs and FEAR!  Fear is the problem, it’s what keeps everyone in the loop of same old crap bringing about same old experiences.

We scream and protest that we want an end to war, we say we want peace, but we don’t get peace because peace is not WITHIN US!  No peace out there will last until we heal our anger and fear, drop like a hot rock each and every belief that has been used as a weapon against us, and live as free beings.  We are Consciousness.  We are Powerful.  We have the power within us to make things different.  Just wanting it will not get it.  Nor will fighting against what is not wanted change it.  Only as each of us takes the time to sit in the silence and know peace will peace have any chance at all anywhere on the planet.

A study was done a few years back showing that the planet was most violent when we are.  We see this happening again now.  What must happen so that we will WAKE UP to the truth of our own power and heal the fear?  I invite you to a journey of self discovery, if you are brave enough to look honestly in the mirror of your life and choose another path.  Choose the path of Consciousness.  Choose the side of life!

If you are ready to move  forward in your life start your journey back to self here   Also check out my books as they provide step by step guidance for taking your power back and living as Consciousness.  If you are ready to work with me for a specific need check out my website Consciousness Power where I offer several healing and support programs designed to guide you to self discovery.

Power of Intent A Journey Back to Self Living Consciousness

Another blog entry today, I’m cooking with gas!  I’ve determined to experience a few new things and writing my  blog more often is one of those things.  Another is rewriting “A Journey Back To Self” and I’m making progress on that as well.  As a matter of fact the second edition will be available May 25th or before.  I’m excited to get this new book ready for you.  It covers chakra, color, meditation, healing, forgiveness, living consciously and much more.  You’ll be happy to know that I’m recording a CD with all the meditations in the book just for those who purchase the autographed copies from one of my websites.  This CD will not be included in the ones in the big retail stores.

Let’s discuss intent and intention today as I have something new to share with you on this topic.  I “intended” for a few years to rewrite A Journey and correct all the errors I made in the first printing.  I really did intend to do it.  The problem was I didn’t take any action to do it.  I hadn’t determined to rewrite the book.  Intention needs action in order to get a new experience.  Often we place the meaning on intent over with hope, wish, long for and don’t do anything to bring it about.

When I determined to do it, I added action to my desire or intent.  I spent a week replacing the hard drive in my laptop ( I write on it) loaded up all the programs and hundreds of updates.. you know how that is.. 🙂

Then I made a decision to NOT go into my office for the first few hours of the day.  Nope, don’t take a single step in that direction, rather I grab the laptop, put it on the bed, turn it on and begin writing after a few minutes of checking email and playing Bejeweled on Facebook. 

I’m almost half done with the rewrite plus I’m keeping my blogs more up to date.  This is determination, not just intent. Determination and action are the hands and feet of intention, necessary to actually get something done.  I know we like to sit and dream and imagine how wonderful it will be one sweet day when all our intentions come into manifestation… but chances are it will be a long time coming unless we actually take some action to work with the Creative Principles. 

What do you intend?  What are your dreams and goals?  Have you made a choice, taken action?  Let me know how it’s working.  I’d love to hear about what you are creating.  Join me for my radio broadcasts at Awakened Radio.  I share the principles of intent and A Journey Back To Self 5 days a week.  You are always invited to take part in the chat room and by calling in.

For more information on my recent and upcoming books, like A Journey Back To Self Living Consciousness visit www.ThrivalWithDonnaDeVane.com

It’s Time for some Really Big ON Purpose Changes

Change is the one thing you can always count on.  It’s always happening, life is always expanding to experience more of itself.  We set energy into motion with our beliefs, thoughts & actions and it always expands.  We are seeing that now as the fear and anger is expanding into what may be another unwanted war.  One of the reasons I do several radio shows each week, plus videos and a few blogs is to express the insights I have on how life works.  As we all begin to see behind the veil of handed down, outdated & archaic beliefs, we will begin to live in a new way.  That’s the BIG change that’s needed right now.

We’ve spent too many years, too many life times playing small.  We’ve scrambled about like mice on a sinking ship playing the survival game.  It hasn’t been fun, but it has been effective in keeping chaos and tyranny in control.  As America and the world watch the build up to what could be the biggest world war ever, it’s time for us to take a different path.  Reacting with fear and anger only fuels the fire of war.  Trying to force peace upon others fuels the fire too.  I’ve begun to notice how so many are taking their fear into a “peace meditation” for the world.  Peace is being projected to the middle east and to government. 

Be very aware of the energy you are setting into motion.  Be Peace.  Then share peace with the world.  Never attempt to force peace on anyone, that is an act of violence.  It will always backfire resulting in the intended person resisting and moving into more anger as they try to get away from your energy manipulation.

Recently I was asked what I’m telling people to do about the current events.  My reply was to BE peace.  Be wise, take care of your family’s need.  Make sure you have dried food in your home, plenty of water.  That’s a good idea whether we are on the verge of war or not. Smile  

Gather with others for support and encouragement.  Being with others during times of stress can lend to a greater sense of safety and nurture.  Take time daily, several times each day, to be still and know peace.  Peace isn’t inaction or passivity, it’s an energy of action.  Peace when lived influences all around you reminding them that they too can know peace.  NEVER try to force a change of mind on another, it will always be reacted to as violence.  Practice peace, speak peace.  Get to know yourself in a deeper way, share your thoughts, feelings and ideas freely with those who support you.  Listen carefully to those around you.  Validate them no matter how they are feeling.  Connect with people in a new way.

Take time to be out in nature.  Sit in the early morning or late night hours and feel the energy around you.  Take note of how you are feeling. Observe what energies are there for you, choose which ones to connect with.  Be conscious of what choices you are making.  Remember, it’s all about the energy.  Setting energy in motion brings about more of itself until you release it to create again. 

These are very exciting times we are living in right now.  We have presented ourselves some new insights by the huge display of what our fear and anger has been busily creating while we weren’t paying much attention.  Start today by paying attention to the energy you are activating and reacting/responding to.  Enjoy your SELF as the “noticer” observing energy, making conscious choices.  Be fully human & fully divine.  Remember Who You Are.  Live there.  Be Peace.

I invite you to join me and the others Awakened Radio Hosts for our live talk radio broadcasts.  Visit Awakened Radio.  You’ll find information there on the hosts, broadcasts, how to host, advertise, you can read our Thrive Evolutionary Consciousness magazine & even submit your own articles for publication.  You’ll also discover how to enter the Prosperity Games we are playing station wide.

I love you.

Love Yourself well.

It’s Time for some Really Big ON Purpose Changes

Change is the one thing you can always count on.  It’s always happening, life is always expanding to experience more of itself.  We set energy into motion with our beliefs, thoughts & actions and it always expands.  We are seeing that now as the fear and anger is expanding into what may be another unwanted war.  One of the reasons I do several radio shows each week, plus videos and a few blogs is to express the insights I have on how life works.  As we all begin to see behind the veil of handed down, outdated & archaic beliefs, we will begin to live in a new way.  That’s the BIG change that’s needed right now.

We’ve spent too many years, too many life times playing small.  We’ve scrambled about like mice on a sinking ship playing the survival game.  It hasn’t been fun, but it has been effective in keeping chaos and tyranny in control.  As America and the world watch the build up to what could be the biggest world war ever, it’s time for us to take a different path.  Reacting with fear and anger only fuels the fire of war.  Trying to force peace upon others fuels the fire too.  I’ve begun to notice how so many are taking their fear into a “peace meditation” for the world.  Peace is being projected to the middle east and to government. 

Be very aware of the energy you are setting into motion.  Be Peace.  Then share peace with the world.  Never attempt to force peace on anyone, that is an act of violence.  It will always backfire resulting in the intended person resisting and moving into more anger as they try to get away from your energy manipulation.

Recently I was asked what I’m telling people to do about the current events.  My reply was to BE peace.  Be wise, take care of your family’s need.  Make sure you have dried food in your home, plenty of water.  That’s a good idea whether we are on the verge of war or not. Smile  

Gather with others for support and encouragement.  Being with others during times of stress can lend to a greater sense of safety and nurture.  Take time daily, several times each day, to be still and know peace.  Peace isn’t inaction or passivity, it’s an energy of action.  Peace when lived influences all around you reminding them that they too can know peace.  NEVER try to force a change of mind on another, it will always be reacted to as violence.  Practice peace, speak peace.  Get to know yourself in a deeper way, share your thoughts, feelings and ideas freely with those who support you.  Listen carefully to those around you.  Validate them no matter how they are feeling.  Connect with people in a new way.

Take time to be out in nature.  Sit in the early morning or late night hours and feel the energy around you.  Take note of how you are feeling. Observe what energies are there for you, choose which ones to connect with.  Be conscious of what choices you are making.  Remember, it’s all about the energy.  Setting energy in motion brings about more of itself until you release it to create again. 

These are very exciting times we are living in right now.  We have presented ourselves some new insights by the huge display of what our fear and anger has been busily creating while we weren’t paying much attention.  Start today by paying attention to the energy you are activating and reacting/responding to.  Enjoy your SELF as the “noticer” observing energy, making conscious choices.  Be fully human & fully divine.  Remember Who You Are.  Live there.  Be Peace.

I invite you to join me and the others Awakened Radio Hosts for our live talk radio broadcasts.  Visit Awakened Radio.  You’ll find information there on the hosts, broadcasts, how to host, advertise, you can read our Thrive Evolutionary Consciousness magazine & even submit your own articles for publication.  You’ll also discover how to enter the Prosperity Games we are playing station wide.

I love you.

Love Yourself well.

Promote your book, coaching, healing, website!

Fund Raiser

June 2nd 2012 is The Day to go live on the Awakened Radio airwaves with your book, coaching / healing services or product.

Radio is a great forum to share your message, product and or service with the whole world.  We help you to do just that.

Awakened Radio is dedicated to Being the energy of change.  We do more than just talk about change, we make changes.  You are invited to Be this energy too. 

Last month’s speakers day was awesome.  We were crying tears of joy by the end of the day.  You could feel the love, compassion & caring of our speakers and our listeners.  This is just the beginning of what we are creating.

Awakened Radio really is more than just an online radio station, we are family.  We really do care about each other, our planet and our self.

As station owner & host, I invite you to take part in something awesome.  Claim your 30 minute slot with us June 2nd and go on air to tell the world about the transforming power of your book, product or service.  We will help you promote it, we’ll provide archives that you can place on your website or blog.

We are doing more than talk, we are making things happen.  Join us.  Be part of something truly transforming.  Get the details at the website.   Let’s get busy creating the change we want to experience.  Let’s to it together.

Are Americans Playing The Hunger Games?

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NOTE:  This show is a powerful kick in the seat in the pants to all of us to Wake UP>>>>>> and smell the coffee.

I watched The Hunger Games and was blown away just in the first thirty minutes.  Are we at the point in America where we will ask for food and get our name put in the drawing to fight to the death in order to bring honor to our tribe?  I know it’s just a movie.. but art does imitate life.  Our thoughts and things we accept as ok show up in our entertainment. 

Look at our attitude towards war.  We’ve been trained to accept that they are necessary evils & that we should “honor” the deaths of our children who sacrifice to keep us safe while bringing horror to people in other countries that we don’t know and who have done NOTHING to us.

We have been conditioned to accept that poverty is “just the way it is” and there is nothing we can do about it.  We accept without thinking that politicians are corrupt, that corporations should make trillions in profit while the people who support them slowly loose their homes, even their lives.

How did this happen?  Where did it start and where does it end?  It started with our going to sleep, becoming comfortably numb as Pink Floyd suggests.  It was just too easy to let it slide.  One law after another passed, one horror after another reported on the TV.  It was easier to just let it pass & hope for the best.

Here we are in a place that many are not enjoying, yet few are standing up and speaking out about due to fear of being a dissident or terrorist.  We line up at airports to be molested, we tolerate injustice, we allow GMO, vaccines that harm & kill.  We accept that this is just how it is.

It DOESN”T have to be this way.  We are the ones with the power to change it.  We start by realizing our roles in it existing to start with.  Our beliefs, our conditioning is the grease that keeps it going.  We must allow for another way.  Another way is brought about when we STOP taking part in what is not wanted.  Stop supporting corporations and politicians that bring about harm in order to make more profit.  Stop taking part by not giving your money to interests that cause harm.

Humanity is at a crucial point. You know it deep in your gut.  You hear the call to stand up and BE the difference.  Join us at www.AwakenedRadio.net to BE that difference.  Host a show with us, help us to get the word out to the world that humanity is waking up and we are ready to create something different.

Together we can change things.  I know this.  What I don’t know is if we will.  Will you join us?  Will you Be the Difference?

Listen to my show Is America Preparing for the Hunger Games, share it with your friends and join us at the station.


Abundance is All There Is

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Abundance Radio Show Listen In

There is ONLY Abundance.  That’s all there is. 

Now I know some of you are saying, “yes, but, look at all the poverty”.  Yep, there’s an abundance of it isn’t there?  There is ONLY abundance.  That’s all there is.

It’s a challenging concept for some that there is only abundance but it’s nonetheless true.  Everything is energy.  Energy is everywhere.  Energy creates energy forms, what we call stuff and experiences.  There’s an abundance of it.  There is abundance of wanted and unwanted because there is an abundance of us calling molecules together with our beliefs, our thoughts, actions, fear, hope, joy, love to create reflections of those very energies.

A Journey Back To Self is a series of self healing lessons that I began teaching in 1995 that many have used to totally transform their lives from abundance of lack, sickness, sadness and dis-ease to abundance of joy, wealth, happiness and well being.

Each week I discuss a section of the book that you can find at Amazon under Donna DeVane  or get a signed copy at The Barefoot Guru and join me live in the chat room or call in and take part in the show.  It’s like coaching on the radio. 

It’s time for us to understand how things come into form and to consciously create what we want to experience.  We all want the same.. food, shelter, money, love.  Now you have a guidebook to help you understand the principles that you use to create the wanted with.  Join me weekly.  Take part in your life with awareness.  You do have the power to change things.  I’ll help you. 

Join me for A Journey Back To Self.