Making Changes Real or Making Real Changes



We all say we want change.  We want things to be different.  The key is making the changes within you that you want to see reflected outside your in the world, in your relationships, in your success.

Whether it’s on a personal level or you want changes in politics, hunger, joblessness, cruelty.. the principles are the same.  The outer always reflects the belief system operating within YOU.  Unless and until you change, nothing changes.

This is why you can read books, take classes, get coaching and end up right where you were to start with.  Change really is an inside job.

All that is created begins within each of us.  You are the powerhouse of creative energy that brings your experiences into reality.  It’s  your thoughts, beliefs and actions that call molecules together to become the things that you interact with. In order to experience something different on the outside you have to experience something different within first.  This is the key to living the life you want.  Beliefs that create lack, sadness, low self esteem, war, struggle, poverty etc can not create prosperity, joy, happiness and peace.  The beliefs are the power that create the stuff.  The stuff always reflects the beliefs.

Simply looking at pictures and feeling good for a few minutes each day has very little influence on what you create.  It’s only when you know yourself to BE the energy of what you want to experience that you bring that forth.  You keep bringing into form the unwanted because that is what you think you are, what you think you deserve, how you think the world is.  Change the programming, change the creation. 


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