The End of the World Yet Again

A bit of tongue in cheek today.. I just upgraded to Windows 10 and nothing odd happened.  I have not noticed any creepy crawlers around the desk.. LOL

I personally love technology and understand that it can’t do it’s job without “spying” on me a bit.  Oh, well.. I have a choice.. move to a cave or celebrate the wonderful technology all around us. Since I am a creature of comfort, I’ll leave the cave for another.

I really do get a lot of giggles when watching YouTube videos about how they have “proof” of the end of the world.  Don’t we get tired of these self proclaimed profits being WRONG?  Why are they still listened to?  Why do we insist on staying in fear and anger.

That’s the really important question.. why stay stuck in fear & anger?

Look within, acknowledge your own self imposed limits.  Heal.. heal.. heal..







Predetermine your life experiences. Creating as Creator.

You already predetermine your experiences, mostly, though, you are unaware of what you are creating and how.  Pause for a moment and consider all the time spent worrying, dreading, dreaming up and imagining how life is soon going to be for you.  See the power of that?

That’s how it’s done.  I could stop right here as that is the key.

Take that same principle and use it with the ideas of what you really do desire to experience.  Stop worrying your experiences into place, rather, dream your life into place.  It’s that simple.  It might not feel so easy to start with as you haven’t practiced this way of creating often enough for it to feel natural.  Continue practicing.  Imagine what you desire to experience.  Always go there.  When the mind wanders STOP and go into your imagination and create your desires.

Just keep doing that.  Do it over and over again day in and day out.  No matter what is there for you now, interact lightly with it knowing it’s just a shadow.  Keep your mind fixed on your desires and soon you will begin noticing how your experiences start to change.  Stay the course.

Love yourself well!

When People Come Against You

We’ve always had people who didn’t agree with us. Even Bullying isn’t new. Gossip has been around forever too.  With the internet and people being able to hide behind icons and made up user names things have grown to huge proportions. Today it only takes a few minutes for a tale to go all around the globe.

What do YOU do with all these stories?  Do you just jump on the bandwagon rolling by and take part?  What if that gossip is about YOU or someone you care about?  This is the problem with meddling in the business of others.  Personally I am not the least concerned with the private affairs of anyone. I am not interested in who is dating, divorcing or cheating with whom. I have business of my own and enjoy my very exciting and interesting life.

So what about you?  Are you a gossip?  Do you just go along with whatever is being said and share it with anyone who will listen?  I would be so excited to see a world where good stories made the rounds more quickly than gossip.  Can you imagine that?  How awesome that would be.

Now what about when you are the one being talked about?  What do you do?  Because I’ve been in the public eye for several years I’ve had a few tales told about me.  Now and then someone goes to the radio station chat and feels it necessary to type their fears about me for others to see.  I’ve even had a few folks share their dislike of me on social media over the years.

Do those stories have any thing to do with me?  Not really!  Many years ago one of my students carried a signature line on his email that stated a wonderful and empowering truth.  “What others think of me is NONE of my business”!  I love that and repeat it to myself on that rare occasion when someone sees me through their filter of fear. When people react to us the are for the most part not even knowing us, rather they are seeing themselves in us.  That is the reason for all the gossip and anger.  We see our own fear and beauty in others.  We are reflections for one another, like a 3D movie.  We see what we are most involved in energetically with in our own lives.

Free yourself by releasing gossip and fear.  Look for, acknowledge and celebrate the beauty and power within yourself and be amazed at how you begin to notice this all around you.

Donna DeVane

The Barefoot Guru

I love YOU.. Love yourself well.

What Lies On Your Path?



What lies on your path?  What shows up as experiences for you to interact with?  Where do these come from? How can I get the life I want to live?

Do you ever ask any of those questions?  I bet you do, I know I have.  What if I told you that every thing, any thing, is possible for you and that the probability is determined by your choice of thought combined with feeling and doing?  Have you heard that before?

2015 is a year of living the “Promised Fulfilled”  for those of us willing to move down the path of disciplined thought and mastery of our own life creations.  This means changing our habits of thoughts.  Rather than being tossed to and fro by the realities of others, we stay mind full of only that which we desire the experience of knowing that it’s already ours.  When you close your eyes and imagine a thing, an experience, you are there with that very thing, its real, it’s done.  When you open your eyes confusion often sets in due to the eyes telling you something different from what you know to be so.

How do we live with the creation before our eyes see it?  By following what we KNOW rather than what our eyes see.  I teach this process in How To Thrive In A Survival Mindset World, available at Amazon, Audible & ITunes,  It’s kindle, print and audio for you.  Decide today to change the way you are thinking.  It’s not just what you think, it’s how you think.  Spend five minutes right now watching that jumbled up chaotic bunch of thinking going on in your head. Use your breathing to slow down the jumbled up thoughts and pick one.  Move gently into that thought.  When everything scrambles up again that’s ok, take a few deep breaths and move back into that ONE thought.  Let that thought guide you to it’s expansion.

Have fun with this process.  We’ll talk about it more as we go on.  Be sure to listen to my radio broadcasts on the Awakened Radio Network.. you can listen with the TuneIn app on your mobile or go to the website

Check out my YouTube videos too.

Joyful Receiver Keeping Flow Of Abundance Open

Donna DeVane Books

A lot of us grew up being told it was better to give than to receive.  That’s just not totally true.  Here’s why.  When you give and give and give without knowing how to joyfully receive you run out of something to give.  Have you ever felt resentful about how much you give to so many people and how little you seem to get?  I bet you have.  See, learning to receive with great joy keeps the abundance of all that good stuff flowing into and out and into and out and into your experience. Giving is a powerful way to have more of the great experiences show up in your life IF you are good at receiving as well.

Now I’m not talking about the “gimme gimme free free” mindset where people can never get enough free stuff or are always running from one place to another looking for something free.  That’s all about lack, poverty and not valuing yourself or others.  What I’m talking about is knowing YOUR worth and valuing both what is given and received.  When you accept gifts of all kinds, whether they be actual stuff, compliments, money or kindness you are agreeing with the flow of abundance and inviting more of that into your life and the life of all those you interact with.

Giving for most of us is easy, receiving maybe not so much.  Think of being a good receiver like this; your arms and heart are always open and outstretched, embracing life and all it’s gifts with dance and song.  Close your eyes for one minute and see you doing that, having that experience.  Receiving is about having that experience right now, where you are, even if you don’t physically have it in your hand.

Recently on one of my radio shows I used examples of how I won a few drawings for items I wanted to experience. I didn’t need them, or try to pull them to me.  I felt them mine, I experienced having them before my name was chosen.  That’s the how of receiving.  Give, yes.. give from you abundance.. Receive.. yes.. from the place of knowing that it’s already yours. Play around with this imagination game and let me know how it works for you.  I love comments.

Check out the GREAT BOOK DEAL on my Website

Creating Life On Purpose in 2015


WOW another year has come and gone. That was fast!  Most of us are thinking about how we want 2015 to line up for us.  I know I am thinking in those terms.  I’ve started making my list of stuff to do, to experience.  A few more books are on the drawing board for the coming year along with a few courses I’m putting together.  I’ve added a garden and a move to my list too, along with new furniture and new friends.  I love expansion of celebration energy.

I’ve got a few new things going on now for you too.  See the picture above?  It’s a special special for  you.  I don’t do autographed books that often but felt the nudge to put all five of these together in one autographed package to aid you in creating your year your way.  That’s important.  Your way.  Not the way someone tells you it should be, but the way you want to experience your very own life.  It is your life after all and you have the say so about how it lines up for you.  Go to Shift My Beliefs for that great deal. It will open in a new page so you can stay here and take part in something else that awesome!  I’m going all out to inspire you to create on purpose.

OK, here is the next Awesome thing I have for you.  I have 15 audio copies of I Can Fill This Space With Any Thing I Want Consciously Creating Life.  Audible gave them to me for me to give to you.  Audible asks that you leave a review after listening and I ask that you practice the principles in the book in the coming year. Now, how do you get a copy?  Leave me a comment here.  Look where it says, leave a comment, at the end of this post.  Once you do that I will be able to email you with the code for the audio book.  It’s that easy.

Now honestly, the book is not going to jump up and transform your life.  You get to do that.  The book is simply a guideline on how to do it with gusto and fun.  What are you waiting for?  Go ahead and leave a comment.  Say, Hey Donna.. I want a copy!

I love you.. love yourself well..

Be Honest Do You Really Want To Be Happy And Thrive


Do you?  Be honest now, do you want to be happy enough to actually practice the path of self empowerment?  You’ve been saying that things have to change for years, so when are you going to do something about it all?  Are you weary of trying to force the world to line up the way you think it should be?  You don’t get change by forcing others.  That’s what causes wars not happiness!  If you are really ready to choose to be happy and willing to find out just how to do it, then read this excerpt from my new book, “I Can Fill This Space With Any Thing I Want; Consciously Creating Life” available in print and kindle at Amazon.

“Life happens according to your instructions. These instructions are the thoughts, feelings and actions you are setting into motion, they always expand to bring you more of that. By paying better attention to what energy you are playing in right now you can intentionally set yourself up for experiences that you enjoy. That’s simple right? Yes, it’s simple but it does take a bit of practice. You’ve spent your whole life doing it the same way over and over again. That’s your default setting. Practice creates a new default setting for you. Living and creating life intentionally means that you are taking time to be aware of yourself. You are the key to what shows up for you to experience. When you stay in the old mode of creating and reacting, life just continues as it always has no matter how much you want it to change and be different. I know this feels hard, but with practice it gets easier. When confronted with an unwanted and not enjoyed situation take a few moments to breathe deeply and relax. You will need to practice this step many, many times for it to become habit. We are learning a new way of living, so be patient, the rewards are awesome.

After a few breaths your body begins to relax and stress flows away. Now while in this space look at the current situation with a fresh attitude. How did this situation get here? What thoughts, ideas, feelings, words, actions, brought it into form. All experiences are thought forms. Energy expressed created what we call “reality”. It’s really all just illusion but let’s pretend it’s real for the purpose of this exercise. Looking at the situation from this stand point of how did I do this and allowing the answers to come to your attention gives you a great advantage. You can take note of how you created this and now that you know you can make a few different choices. One choice is to be more aware of what you are setting into creative mode to become “things”. Be very patient with yourself during this time of creating a new way of living. You will see how often you just do things as you’ve always done them, but rather than feeling annoyed and giving up, rejoice that you are now noticing.

Now that you are in noticing mode and seeing how the situation came about to begin with you can move on to another step in the reprogramming exercise. What can you do right now to bring resolution to the issue? Most people don’t get to their dreams because the dream is always “out there” somewhere. You want to live it right now so take a few moments to create it how you want it in this moment.”  page 26-27

You can create the life you want to live.  Deep down inside you know that.  You just don’t know how to get around all those old limiting beliefs that keep you stuck.  Let me help you.  Read the book.  Practice the wisdom in the book.  You can even share with me here and I’ll answer you.  I invite you to call in during my weekly radio shows on The Awakened Radio Network and take part too.  I can help, I will help.. will you help yourself?  That’s the Big Question~

I love you, love yourself well

Donna DeVane

The Barefoot Guru

Proof that you can live Success

Proof You Can Do It

We all want to live better.  That’s a given, humanity seeks comfort, love, shelter, food and fun.  Well, here is the BIG Breaking News!  If anyone can live this, everyone can.  That includes you. What are you dreaming of?  What passion burns within?  Don’t give up.  Keep on keeping on with your dreams.  I didn’t just wake up one day with books in print.  That actually began years ago when I was a child.  I always loved reading and wanted to write.  I wrote stories, poetry and inspiration pieces.  I was in my mid 20’s before I ever had anything published.  I got enough No, Thank you letters to wallpaper my study before I was published.  I didn’t stop writing though.  I have kept a journal since about 11 years of age.  I wrote a few stories for my children when they were little and still have those.  Perhaps I’ll have them published one day. 

I’ve spent my life reading and writing, learning and sharing.  It’s what I love.  So let me ask, what do you love?  Do you get up each day excited at the opportunities to interact with your passion?  I was asked a while back how I write so many books.  I told them I first get an idea, then I sit down at the keyboard, place my fingers there and type until the book is finished.  That’s the magic.  Doing it.  Just write.  When following your passion it’s the act of living the experience that is the first reward.  Of course I want others to purchase and read the books.  But the first joy is the writing.  It’s like I say to potential host for Awakened Radio Network, do you have a message that burns within you that even if someone offered to pay you to stop talking about it, you wouldn’t be able to hush.. that’s passion.

Living your dreams is a day in day out adventure.  No matter what else is going on you just keep living that passion.  Like you, I wash dishes, laundry, vacuum the floors, run to the grocery store, fuel up the car and cut the lawn. I do all the stuff you do and then I write.  I write these short blogs to keep in touch with you and give you the opportunity to interact with me.  I do YouTube videos and radio shows to share and interact with you.  This is my passion.  It fulfills me, thrills me, excites me.  I do it for love and pleasure. 

What is your passion?  Are you living it?  I’d love to hear what you are passionate about.  Leave me a comment. 

Power of Intent A Journey Back to Self Living Consciousness

Another blog entry today, I’m cooking with gas!  I’ve determined to experience a few new things and writing my  blog more often is one of those things.  Another is rewriting “A Journey Back To Self” and I’m making progress on that as well.  As a matter of fact the second edition will be available May 25th or before.  I’m excited to get this new book ready for you.  It covers chakra, color, meditation, healing, forgiveness, living consciously and much more.  You’ll be happy to know that I’m recording a CD with all the meditations in the book just for those who purchase the autographed copies from one of my websites.  This CD will not be included in the ones in the big retail stores.

Let’s discuss intent and intention today as I have something new to share with you on this topic.  I “intended” for a few years to rewrite A Journey and correct all the errors I made in the first printing.  I really did intend to do it.  The problem was I didn’t take any action to do it.  I hadn’t determined to rewrite the book.  Intention needs action in order to get a new experience.  Often we place the meaning on intent over with hope, wish, long for and don’t do anything to bring it about.

When I determined to do it, I added action to my desire or intent.  I spent a week replacing the hard drive in my laptop ( I write on it) loaded up all the programs and hundreds of updates.. you know how that is.. 🙂

Then I made a decision to NOT go into my office for the first few hours of the day.  Nope, don’t take a single step in that direction, rather I grab the laptop, put it on the bed, turn it on and begin writing after a few minutes of checking email and playing Bejeweled on Facebook. 

I’m almost half done with the rewrite plus I’m keeping my blogs more up to date.  This is determination, not just intent. Determination and action are the hands and feet of intention, necessary to actually get something done.  I know we like to sit and dream and imagine how wonderful it will be one sweet day when all our intentions come into manifestation… but chances are it will be a long time coming unless we actually take some action to work with the Creative Principles. 

What do you intend?  What are your dreams and goals?  Have you made a choice, taken action?  Let me know how it’s working.  I’d love to hear about what you are creating.  Join me for my radio broadcasts at Awakened Radio.  I share the principles of intent and A Journey Back To Self 5 days a week.  You are always invited to take part in the chat room and by calling in.

For more information on my recent and upcoming books, like A Journey Back To Self Living Consciousness visit

What If You Are The Reason For Everything In Your Life?


Let’s Talk About Taking Responsibility

What if you knew that everything in your life was there because of you?  What if you accepted that you are the cause, the creator of every experience, every relationship, every situation?  Would that change things for you or does it feel to frightening to accept?  If you understood that your thinking, feeling, believing, doing, expecting, were all calls to the Universe / GOD Particle, to create for you, through you, that very thing you are focusing on, would that encourage you to get more honest and take more responsibility for what you are setting into action?

If you’ve been listening to my radio broadcasts or watching my YouTube videos you know that I’ve been having a lot of fun this year cleaning and releasing to make a sacred space for new experiences.  I made a vow on air a few weeks back that in addition to telling & teaching these principles I would show you how they work and that’s exactly what I’m doing.  I set up the Prosperity Games & The Power of One to help us all move easily into the Wisdom of living what we’ve spent years learning so that we actually do begin to create as Consciousness, consciously, the life we really do want to have.

What if you played along with me and began experimenting with the “what meaning does this have” game and changing the meaning?  I’ll tell you what will happen, your life opens up to include a lot more peace, joy & abundance which is, after all, what we all want.

Your mindset, those things you set into action over and over again because you’ve become habited to believing they are the only truth, is what gets you the life you are living.  You are doing it.  Nothing or no one outside you is punishing, testing or making you anything.  YOU are doing it.  The meaning you’ve already given everything in your life is playing out over and again.  In my book A Journey Back To Self I share a little exercise for realizing the meaning you’ve given everything.  It’s basically this;  sit quietly and look around the room.  Let your eyes notice a picture, furniture etc.  Say softly to yourself.. this __________  has no meaning for me.  At once your mind fills in the meaning.  You remember where you got it, how long you had to work to pay for it, who gave it to you, how you feel about the situation that brought it into your life.  Do this with several items, even people.  WOW! 

Spend a week doing the exercise.  Apply it to whatever shows up for you.  Apply it to everything.  Ask yourself, “what does this mean to me”?  “What does it matter”?  “Do I want it to mean that and matter in that way”?  The more you play the more aware of yourself as Consciousness you are & the more consciously you create.  This process is fun and aids in moving through the deep seated beliefs and habits without the ego fuss and struggle you might have dealt with in  the past.

Join me for my radio shows and check in with me on YouTube.  Let’s create on purpose & live awesome lives!  Let me know here how this works for you.