Alien Invasion Saves American Economy


I watched Paul Krugman tell a story of how if there was an alien invasion we would see our government put Americans to work and even if the invasion turned out to be fake, it would serve the nation well as productivity would be up. Paul may have a point too . Just imagine how we would all work together to fight the common foes of invading aliens.  We would no longer look at ourselves as Americans, as black, white or brown, male or female; instead we would all be one.  Our economy would grow too  as Americans went back to work to defend themselves against invasion.  According to Paul Krugman even if the if the event   was  staged  it    would still serve the American economy well. Imagine   every American working together for a  common  goal paying no  attention to political party or religious affiliation. 

Imagine how we would change our country and our own personal lives if without an alien invasion we all began collaborating with one another for the highest good of all.  If we stop seeing each other as potential enemies and regard one another as potential friends we begin creating with an energy that will provide prosperity, health and well being for all.  Seeing ourselves as divided and separate from one another has given way to corrupt government and corruption within religious organizations.  Humanity has been pitted against itself and our seeing one another as enemies has given  way to world wide corruption. 

We can heal this corruption by looking within ourselves and healing the fear each  of  us carries within our heart.  Fear  is    not the natural state of mankind, love, peace and hope are our natural state.  We have been misled to believe that we are innately evil thus we seldom look for the good in  those who were different from us.  This is the perfect moment for us to look within, heal our fear, and discover the joy of working together for the thriving of mankind.  We must change our inner programming that keeps us competing with  one another under the false  belief that there’s not enough for everyone.  As we come to the understanding that there is only a abundance, knowing that we are the energy that brings   more of what ever we all are focused on in to reality than we can change the energy we’re creating with thus  changing what is created.

Will humanity  require a false  flag operation in order to begin working together to heal our economy?  Will we discover our power to create something different with a new energy and come together to do just that?  We don’t need no stinking alien invasion to awaken us from our slumber of deceit we have only to open our eyes and heart right now to create something different.  By supporting one another, living with the understanding that we are all connected and what we do matters to all life,   we  can   take steps to make life better for all of us.

Discover what limits you and change it today! Live Empowered!

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