Will Everything Be Alright?

We’ve all heard it, that optimistic leading that everything will be ok.  Things are gonna work out alright, but will they?

In my personal life I’ve found that if I stay focused on the outcome I want and do not waver, things do work out.  They don’t always work out the way I thought they would, honestly they hardly ever work out the way I thought they would, but they do work out.  Sometimes the end result is I change my mind and pursue another goal rather than the original one.

I’m writing this blog today in response to all the “negative” stuff we are all aware of.  It’s like the world has gone completely mad and few notice the insanity. Let’s go over a few crazy points as we move along.

Very young children being read to by Drag Queens.  Very young children being offered to pick a gender.  Very young children being schooled in gay and transgender lifestyles.

I am not against gay or trans folk, matter of fact I know quite a few of them.  I don’t know a single one that agrees with the above current stream of thought though.  We can support the choices of other people without encouraging young children to be more confused than normal life offers them.

I remember when my children were very little and started asking about where babies came from, I answered with information that they could understand.  Every year or so their inquiries got more complex so my answers followed suit.  I didn’t push more information on them than they were actually asking.  Sex education is a simple thing, you answer what is asked, no more, no less.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic.

While you’re here bookmark and also visit the radio station website.


Palestine Israel The Pope And Southern Baptist War Of Beliefs

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Let me start off by saying this blog is not so that you can agree with me.  Actually, it’s not relevant to me whether I am agreed with or not.  I have what my mother always called, “what comes up comes out” tendencies, meaning I don’t put much stock in political correctness and such silliness that keeps mankind enslaved to religion and political masters.  With that on the table I will continue.. a hum…. lol

When are we going to wake up to some real truths in this world?  Truths about the control of lies through religion and politics?  Do we have to be wiped out, diseased, does genocide have to include our family before we realize that there is something going on here behind the scenes?  How long must humanity, the whole planet suffer under the ignorance of religious and political rule?  Do you really think that you don’t have sense enough to self govern and you require others to make and enforce rules for your behavior?  Do these rules even work? NO!

You can not mandate morality or anything else by passing laws, arresting people or killing another large group of humans.  It DOES NOT work!  So why do we continue?  Right now people are taking sides over the Israeli and Palestinian “war”.  I can’t tell you how many people have gotten upset with me because the only side I choose is the side of life and humanity.  Some “Christians” choose Israel because they were told by the church that to curse Israel would bring a curse down on them.. and we don’t want to be cursed by GOD do we?  Others choose Palestine because they always support the underdog and Palestine is indeed that, they don’t have the billions of  bucks that the US gives to Israel or the weapons given as gifts either.  What Palestine does seem to have is some people who are really ticked off with Israel and who hide among the civilians in Gaza, bunch of cowards.  It’s also an act of cowardice to bomb hundreds of civilians in order to maybe wipe out a terrorist or two.

Yep, I’m digging down on this today boys n girls.  Hang in there with me.. I’ll make my point in another few lines or maybe another paragraph or two. 

I’m not interested in whether or not you support either of these political monsters or which religious monster you support either.. even the new age religion is part of this.  My point is that it’s all about control.  Total control.  Looking outside yourself for permission, power, acceptance, love, peace etc. etc. etc.  Here we are almost in 2015 still worshiping kings, popes, religion and doing so because of beliefs and FEAR!  Fear is the problem, it’s what keeps everyone in the loop of same old crap bringing about same old experiences.

We scream and protest that we want an end to war, we say we want peace, but we don’t get peace because peace is not WITHIN US!  No peace out there will last until we heal our anger and fear, drop like a hot rock each and every belief that has been used as a weapon against us, and live as free beings.  We are Consciousness.  We are Powerful.  We have the power within us to make things different.  Just wanting it will not get it.  Nor will fighting against what is not wanted change it.  Only as each of us takes the time to sit in the silence and know peace will peace have any chance at all anywhere on the planet.

A study was done a few years back showing that the planet was most violent when we are.  We see this happening again now.  What must happen so that we will WAKE UP to the truth of our own power and heal the fear?  I invite you to a journey of self discovery, if you are brave enough to look honestly in the mirror of your life and choose another path.  Choose the path of Consciousness.  Choose the side of life!

If you are ready to move  forward in your life start your journey back to self here   Also check out my books as they provide step by step guidance for taking your power back and living as Consciousness.  If you are ready to work with me for a specific need check out my website Consciousness Power where I offer several healing and support programs designed to guide you to self discovery.

Signs Everywhere Eve Of Destruction Will We Pay Attention And Make Changes?

It’s kinda hard to not notice the signs of the times isn’t it?  Everywhere you look there is bad news and even more bad news.  Some days it seems hard to find a ray of sunshine anywhere in the world.  Bombs are killing people, hunger, strive, war, greed, pollution are obviously all around us.  We see the signs.. but are we paying attention? What will we do about all the signs showing up all around us?

One of my favorite questions is “where in me is this?”.  I ask that often throughout the day.  Where in me is the seed for all the reflections I see out there?  Where in you is it?  As a society we are only seeing the reflection of our fear, anger, hatred, greed and  beliefs in not enough.  Will we take note and change our focus so that we can heal these within us and then see a new image reflected?  Some are so frightened they want to establish religious rule again in this nation.  Read history, it never goes well when religious beliefs are the power of the land.  We don’t need more politicians either.  These all continue to show us what we as a nation agree upon. 

The answer is to agree on something else.  Give our consent to each individual being empowered to make choices for their own lives without interference from others.  Although I am not Wiccan they have a great motto, “do as you will and harm none”.  That about sums it up.  It’s time to stop dictating the behavior of others based on our personal preferences.  We need to rules of conduct. 1. Don’t cause harm to a person.  2. Don’t cause loss.  No murder, raping, stealing allowed to go unanswered.  Now we decide how to work with those who break these rules so that they make right their actions. 

I know that’s shocking for some to read.  However when my daughter was killed in a car wreck due to the actions of the driver speeding recklessly down the highway racing a friend there is no good to come out of his being jailed or put to death.  Rather let him support my grandson till he reaches adulthood financially and emotionally. That’s making the deed right.   Someone steals, they repay. 

We need to look at the signs of our times and take advantage of it so that we can come up with better working ways to live.  Enough protesting, fussing and violence.  Take actions that bring about real change, that first action has to be healing yourself.  Once we each do that we will be able to experience a “better” world.


Check out my Books page for help discovering How to Live Empowered!

Why I do what I do and the meaning of it all!



See that picture?  I did that with my pastel crayons.  Did I do it to win a prize or show people my artistic talents?  Nope.  I did it cause it’s fun and I enjoy it.  It’s not about others liking it or not.  It’s about me enjoying what I do and doing what I enjoy.  That goes not only for painting crayons but everything I do.  I follow the fun. Whether it’s making Spirit Dolls, jewelry, dream catchers, writing a book, hosting a radio show or cleaning house.. it’s about the fun. 

Pleasure is a good thing, it let’s me know I’m conscious and aware of myself.  There is no guilt in true pleasure, there is no harm in true pleasure.  Right now I’m piled up on my bed with my three Siamese kittens and the laptop writing this.  Of course I could be doing something else, but this is what is fun for me at this moment.  It may be fun later to cook a meal, clean the house or mow the lawn.  I might even get the art supplies out and make another picture.  I may read a book, or write another chapter in the book I’m working on now. 

My point is, I follow the fun.  Yeah, I make a mental note of the things I’d like to do, to accomplish, to finish. Some days I even do those things, some days I do some of them, other days I do none of them.  It all depends on the fun, the pleasure.  Pleasure is pure and expansive, as I explore my creative energy and express another aspect of myself.  It’s not about doing what has to be done but what thrills and delights me in the doing of it.

Recently I’ve begun really cleaning my home.  I’ve thrown away stuff from every corner of the house.  I’ve hauled unwanted furniture to the road.  A few people asked didn’t I feel guilty in not recycling it all?  NO I did not.  I stopped doing guilt a few years ago when I realized it was counter productive to enjoying my life. 

Thirty years ago I was a type A+ personality and was pretty miserable inside.  I was caught up in all the gotta, shoulda’s of life and it just wasn’t fun.  So, I stopped the guilt trip on myself.  Now that’s not saying do as you please and to Hades with the consequences, rather it’s an open door to self realization of your / my power to create and interact with that which is created.  I create, I get to interact with what I create.. so why would I create anything I didn’t want to have as an experience?  See the pure beauty in that?

Today follow the fun.  Let pure pleasure guide you to each experience.  If it ain’t fun.. just don’t bother with it, move on to something else.

I’d love to hear from you.  Did you follow the fun?  What was your experience?

Love yourself well,

The Barefoot Guru

Now the Journey Begins You ARE Living Consciousness!


I am so thrilled and excited! After months of writing, editing and rewriting some more A Journey Back To Self Living Consciousness is in print and kindle.  I was recently asked if this book covers each chakra in depth.  Yes it does and in a way that walks you step by step through the process of not only knowing what and where the chakras are, but guides you through the process of healing your own body / mind / emotions.  There are 250 pages of life transforming Wisdom written in the pages of this book.  You journey through the relationships of emotions, the past, fear, anger, love, oneness and into the light of knowing who you are.  Of course the book will not do your work for you, but it gives you every tool you need to totally change how you create based on realizing Who You Are. 

It’s available at Thrival with Donna DeVane and Amazon.  Big NEWS for you.  When you purchase an autographed copy from my website store you save $5.00 and get a free meditation CD to use along with the book.  This is a limited time offer, so invest in yourself today.  I’ve given you the tools you need, plus host a weekly radio show for support of these teachings.. the next move is yours!

You will discover working with stones and crystals, meditation, light and sound to self heal.  You will be guided through a series of teachings with “homework” exercises to help you integrate the teaching into Wisdom.  Discover the magic of being your own “medicine healer” “shaman” while working through the energy levels of dis-ease, pain, and unforgiveness.  I make it easy for you and even a bit of fun.

Here is an except from the very first lesson. “

I want to note here that when I use the words “negative and positive” I am referring to wanted and unwanted experiences, feelings, etc. When you move away from the concept of “right / wrong, good / bad, negative / positive, and think in terms of what you enjoy, what you like, prefer, life is much easier. As you begin to think in terms of do I enjoy this or not it gets easier to stay in the experiences you prefer.

As we start our journey with the Stone and Crystal People remember to be open to new thoughts, ideas, feelings, memories and intuitive knowing. Always keep a journal nearby to write down your “messages” as you do your mediation and healing work. I use very basic stones and crystals for the energy work so that you can easily find them. If you have stones and crystals already and are just getting started working with them remember color of stone with color of chakra. As you progress you will begin to hear the stones and crystals suggesting where to place them and how they desire to work with you.

For your red Chakra use ruby, garnet, red jasper, or red tiger eye. While you can use dyed stones they don’t have the energy of “real stones”. Match color of chakra to color of stone. If you experience discomfort, change out for a different stone. Turquoise can always be used on any chakra as can basic earth color energy stones. When out walking pay attention to any stone that calls you. ( Root Chakra Area)

Orange: carnelian or red jasper I really prefer carnelian as it promotes courage and aids you in moving forward with a greater ease. (Belly Button Area)”

Now the Journey Begins You ARE Living Consciousness!


I am so thrilled and excited! After months of writing, editing and rewriting some more A Journey Back To Self Living Consciousness is in print and kindle.  I was recently asked if this book covers each chakra in depth.  Yes it does and in a way that walks you step by step through the process of not only knowing what and where the chakras are, but guides you through the process of healing your own body / mind / emotions.  There are 250 pages of life transforming Wisdom written in the pages of this book.  You journey through the relationships of emotions, the past, fear, anger, love, oneness and into the light of knowing who you are.  Of course the book will not do your work for you, but it gives you every tool you need to totally change how you create based on realizing Who You Are. 

It’s available at Thrival with Donna DeVane and Amazon.  Big NEWS for you.  When you purchase an autographed copy from my website store you save $5.00 and get a free meditation CD to use along with the book.  This is a limited time offer, so invest in yourself today.  I’ve given you the tools you need, plus host a weekly radio show for support of these teachings.. the next move is yours!

You will discover working with stones and crystals, meditation, light and sound to self heal.  You will be guided through a series of teachings with “homework” exercises to help you integrate the teaching into Wisdom.  Discover the magic of being your own “medicine healer” “shaman” while working through the energy levels of dis-ease, pain, and unforgiveness.  I make it easy for you and even a bit of fun.

Here is an except from the very first lesson. “

I want to note here that when I use the words “negative and positive” I am referring to wanted and unwanted experiences, feelings, etc. When you move away from the concept of “right / wrong, good / bad, negative / positive, and think in terms of what you enjoy, what you like, prefer, life is much easier. As you begin to think in terms of do I enjoy this or not it gets easier to stay in the experiences you prefer.

As we start our journey with the Stone and Crystal People remember to be open to new thoughts, ideas, feelings, memories and intuitive knowing. Always keep a journal nearby to write down your “messages” as you do your mediation and healing work. I use very basic stones and crystals for the energy work so that you can easily find them. If you have stones and crystals already and are just getting started working with them remember color of stone with color of chakra. As you progress you will begin to hear the stones and crystals suggesting where to place them and how they desire to work with you.

For your red Chakra use ruby, garnet, red jasper, or red tiger eye. While you can use dyed stones they don’t have the energy of “real stones”. Match color of chakra to color of stone. If you experience discomfort, change out for a different stone. Turquoise can always be used on any chakra as can basic earth color energy stones. When out walking pay attention to any stone that calls you. ( Root Chakra Area)

Orange: carnelian or red jasper I really prefer carnelian as it promotes courage and aids you in moving forward with a greater ease. (Belly Button Area)”

Now the Journey Begins You ARE Living Consciousness!


I am so thrilled and excited! After months of writing, editing and rewriting some more A Journey Back To Self Living Consciousness is in print and kindle.  I was recently asked if this book covers each chakra in depth.  Yes it does and in a way that walks you step by step through the process of not only knowing what and where the chakras are, but guides you through the process of healing your own body / mind / emotions.  There are 250 pages of life transforming Wisdom written in the pages of this book.  You journey through the relationships of emotions, the past, fear, anger, love, oneness and into the light of knowing who you are.  Of course the book will not do your work for you, but it gives you every tool you need to totally change how you create based on realizing Who You Are. 

It’s available at Thrival with Donna DeVane and Amazon.  Big NEWS for you.  When you purchase an autographed copy from my website store you save $5.00 and get a free meditation CD to use along with the book.  This is a limited time offer, so invest in yourself today.  I’ve given you the tools you need, plus host a weekly radio show for support of these teachings.. the next move is yours!

You will discover working with stones and crystals, meditation, light and sound to self heal.  You will be guided through a series of teachings with “homework” exercises to help you integrate the teaching into Wisdom.  Discover the magic of being your own “medicine healer” “shaman” while working through the energy levels of dis-ease, pain, and unforgiveness.  I make it easy for you and even a bit of fun.

Here is an except from the very first lesson. “

I want to note here that when I use the words “negative and positive” I am referring to wanted and unwanted experiences, feelings, etc. When you move away from the concept of “right / wrong, good / bad, negative / positive, and think in terms of what you enjoy, what you like, prefer, life is much easier. As you begin to think in terms of do I enjoy this or not it gets easier to stay in the experiences you prefer.

As we start our journey with the Stone and Crystal People remember to be open to new thoughts, ideas, feelings, memories and intuitive knowing. Always keep a journal nearby to write down your “messages” as you do your mediation and healing work. I use very basic stones and crystals for the energy work so that you can easily find them. If you have stones and crystals already and are just getting started working with them remember color of stone with color of chakra. As you progress you will begin to hear the stones and crystals suggesting where to place them and how they desire to work with you.

For your red Chakra use ruby, garnet, red jasper, or red tiger eye. While you can use dyed stones they don’t have the energy of “real stones”. Match color of chakra to color of stone. If you experience discomfort, change out for a different stone. Turquoise can always be used on any chakra as can basic earth color energy stones. When out walking pay attention to any stone that calls you. ( Root Chakra Area)

Orange: carnelian or red jasper I really prefer carnelian as it promotes courage and aids you in moving forward with a greater ease. (Belly Button Area)”

Poverty or Prosperity Mindset


I’m really not being harsh.. I just want to make a point about mindset.  I saw a post on Facebook announcing that 1 in 5 people live below the poverty level.  That’s shocking to us emotionally isn’t it?  That’s the reason for these stats.  They incite fear in us rather than lifting us up to experience more of life.  We get all caught up in the thought process that poverty could be right around the corner for us and we tense up, start worrying and shut off our natural ability to receive all the abundance that is ours.
What if we changed our minds so that we paid most attention to being in the four out of five who are above poverty?  Isn’t that better feeling?  Yes, it is and it’s far more likely to create that experience over and over again too.  Staying focused on poverty creates more poverty, not more prosperity.  You can not raise poor people up by fearing for them or for yourself.  
Let us awaken to the energy of the fear game and call it for what it is .. a game.  We want a new game, one that lifts us all up.  You want to play this new game with me?
Join me each Wednesday 2 PM C for Wealth Consciousness Radio here on the Awakened Radio Network!


You are the Solution



It’s so exciting being able to share my thoughts with others through video, radio & written word.  The world is just a click away now, we are easily able to see just how connected we all are.  YET!  We still are not taking steps to bring about the reality we say we want to experience.  What gets in the way?
FEAR!  Fear is a tool that’s been used against humanity since the beginning of time.  As long as we don’t face our fear and admit it we will continue to serve it and those who use it against us.

There is a solution to the problems humanity and the planet faces.  That solution is all of us coming together in agreement to withdraw from the energy of fear and move more gently into the energy of what lifts up life.  That is so simple that perhaps that’s why we miss it.  It doesn’t have to be about agreeing with one another on political and religious grounds.  We need only to ask, “does it lift up life”?  If life is not honored & lifted up another option is chosen.

Does war lift up life?  Does greed?  Does raping the Earth Mother?  Does violence?  NO!  We get that yet we continue to be influenced by those who use fear to tell us that we are running out, that the boggy man is going to get us.  Only as we look fear in the face and take a step forward will we change things.

Change starts within each of us.  Facing your fear, taking a step into the next energy is where it begins.  Will you take that step today?  I’ll walk with you a while.
Love yourself well,
Donna DeVane
The Barefoot Guru

Time to Face our Fear & Get Really Powerful

The Barefoot Guru

I love making videos and doing radio, writing books and coaching.  People ask me when I started and honestly, it’s what I’ve always done.  I love looking for the how, why, when, where of life and making sense of things that are just plain crazy.  When I look around me I have to admit that a lot of stuff is going on that doesn’t  make a lick of sense.  Millions starving, wars with more millions dying, fighting for resources and on a closer front people who just go through the motions each day of living.

How much sense does it make to be born helpless, finally learn to do a few things, get a job, have kids, work till you are old, get sick and die?  Not much in my opinion. It’s never added up for me.  Yet we all do it because we just don’t know of any other way to live.  We live to pay bills and survive and eventually we die.  Not much of an adventure to be sure.

What if we could stop this insanity and actually live our lives doing what we want?  Would you want some of that excitement?  I know I do.  There are risks to living this way.  You risk standing out and being told that there is something wrong with you.  You risk having one adventure after another too.  You risk not knowing exactly what you will be doing each day when you awaken and just go with the joy of being a powerful creator of your own life.

The risk is worth it.  I’ve been asked when am I going to get a “real job”, how can I live this way and many other questions that were asked because most people just can’t see any other way to live than the way everyone else is doing it.  We are impressed with people who spend their lives living in the jungles with wild animals or creating wonderful inventions.  We could be doing stuff just as awesome as that. 

I invite you to take off the fear, get rid of the mask and costume you hide behind and risk it.  Take one day and do exactly what you want to do.  Try it on, give it a test drive and see if living as a powerful eternal being doesn’t just tickle you pink.

If you are looking for a place to hang out with others who take the risk join us at The Awakened Radio Network.  We are online & mobile.