Stop Just Covering Up the Symptoms Heal the Cause


There is a huge push in America to just feel good.  Get giddy with affirmations or take a pill so as not to have to deal with real emotions.  Your emotions are NOT your energy.  Emotions are there to aid you in interacting with the reality that you and others have created.  By avoiding the feelings associated with experiences you do nothing to heal the experience, you only bury it more deeply in the subconscious and the chakra system where it shows up later as creations you don’t like and or fear and dis-ease.

Taking your emotions on eye ball to eye ball allows you to get to the root of the feeling.  Fear is a reminder that you are not experiencing yourself as you really are.  Fear and anger pop up to remind you that you are not in the now, you are in the past or the future.  By taking note of what you are feeling and why you are feeling it you can move back into the sacred space of Who You Really Are and  create with that energy.

Stop running from your emotions, stop trying to cover them up with just feel good mantras, get to the root of them, heal the experience inside your energy body and move on.  Watch the video above and go to my YouTube channel to watch the other videos in this series.  They will aid you in dealing with emotions and healing your experiences so that you can move into the now and create with a new energy more to your liking.  Click on the YouTube on the video above to go to my video channel.

Every time you watch a video on my channel in January and leave a comment you are entered into a drawing to win a Free one hour coaching session with me.  Remember to give a thumb’s up and to share the videos on your Facebook or Twitter account. 

Love yourself well…

Donna DeVane

Looking for people to change the world

journeybook I began talking about my book a month or so ago and saying I was open to a core group of 1,000 people who are committed to changing not only their lives, but our world.  See, I know the principles in this book work.  I’ve taught them many, many times and had hundreds of people exclaim with wonder at the results.  I’ve told the truth of how when you apply the principles in A Journey Back To Self to your life old beliefs are replaced with new empowering ones that support your desires.

I’ve explained how you will have a new “world vision” a new way of seeing things which leads to things being different for you.  I’ve talked about how you will know yourself to BE different and will then establish relationships with others in a new way.  I’ve explained the process of healing the mind, body and soul; how these changes change everything in your life.  With this new foundation you overflow with a new energy, one which changes everything you touch.

As a teacher I know the power of restoring balance to your life.  I know how it changes how you treat yourself, thus how others treat you.  I know these principles work.  They’ve worked for me and for many others over the years.

I’ve also shared how each person who purchases their book through my website gets a signed copy of the book, a Free 2 hour seminar by phone, plus a new added FREE perk.  I’ve created a group coaching support network only for those who purchase the book from my website.  Why am I doing this?  It’s simple.  I’m committed to helping you heal and change the world.

I could just market and promote the book and go on to writing the next one.  I want to work with you.  I know I can’t coach every single person who gets the  book and begins their journey back to self, however, through the group coaching network I can share in your journey.  There we can share our joys, wisdom and trials.  Through your membership in the support network you will make friends with others who are on the same journey. 

You are seeing the same things I am right now.  We’ve created a mess in our world.  The only way to solve it is with different energy than we used to create it.  The same principles that you use to create your experiences in your personal life are the ones we use to create together.  My intention is to help people Wake Up to just how powerful they are.  I KNOW that when people self realize, awaken to their creative power, not only will you change your own life… I also know that those changes will affect our whole planet.

What’s in the book you ask.  There is information on the chakras, stones, crystals, meditations.  There are exercises which take you through the process of “seeing” which beliefs are limiting you and exercises to help you release them and incorporate beliefs which create more of what is wanted.  There is information on how to use stones and crystals for healing and meditation.  There is information on how to use color to heal.  You will also find exercises to release your emotional attachment to things in the past and give new meaning to everything.

It’s time to heal YOUR life.  It’s time to live in joy, powerful creating, well being, prosperity and loving relationships.  Will you take the step that will change your life, that will help change the world?

Click here to order your signed copy of my book A Journey Back To Self today.   Do it for yourself, your family, the world. 

The shift is NOW..  Grab hold of what you want to create.  Make the changes that are beckoning you.  Listen to the voice saying, “you can wake up now”.

Join me in healing one individual at the time, waking up the whole planet to Who We Are.

Consciously Creating or Conditioned Chaos




We all want to be a conscious creator, but most of the time we are not.  The vast majority of our creations are conditioned chaos. This style of creating is done without any awareness of the energy we are using to bring ideas into form.  sure you know you want things to be different than what they are, you have many dreams swimming through your head and emotions that you would love to interact with.  The thing is you don’t hold the course long enough to bring these things into form because you go back to conditioned chaos, that conditioned thinking.

Conditioned thinking is reverting back to beliefs, reacting rather than consciously creating with new awareness and new thought.  Most people get all excited about creating something new, it feels great thinking about having more money, a new car or a new relationship.  As long as you are working with your vision board or doing your meditation you feel excited about what you are bringing into form.  The problem is once the meditation is over you go right back to the thinking, reacting habits that got you where you are right now.

We are creatures of habit.  Habits become beliefs which then become the unconscious way we live day in and day out.  In order to change your life those beliefs and habits must change, shift into a new way of thinking, feeling and most importantly; being.  In order to become aware of how much habits keep you doing the same things the same way try this fun little experiment.  Move your coffee pot to a new counter top in your kitchen.  Now notice and laugh at yourself when time after time you go to where the coffee pot was rather than where it is to refresh your cup.

Try out rearranging the furniture in a room, notice how you now have to be aware, conscious of where the furniture is in order to move around it without banging your knee.  Most of your day, your life even, is spent on automatic.  You are not thinking you are just going through the motions connected to the habit.  Your creating is done this way as well.  Things that feel like, remind you of, something you’ve already experienced get the same emotional response that you’ve connected to them time and again.  This is why your life doesn’t change much.  You can not create a new physical form with the same energy building material. Your thoughts and most importantly your emotions that you connect to the thoughts are what bring things into physical form. 

Changing the thought/emotion connection is key to creating new experiences.  In order to do this you must wake up, stop sleepwalking through each day.  By practicing being more aware of where the coffee pot and coach are you will also begin noticing how easily you slip back into an old way of thinking.  Take a few moments to connect a new emotion, a new thought to what you are doing.  How can you do it differently?  How can you think differently about this present moment?  The more you practice new thinking and feeling combinations the quicker you will reprogram yourself for new creations.

Make each day an adventure by being open to a new way of doing things.  Try on different thoughts and feelings for the situations you are now experiencing.  Listen more attentively to the messages all around you.  Pay attention to the signs reminding you to move from conditioned chaos to conscious creating.

pipedreamer I’ve written an eBook with step by step insights into becoming a conscious creator. Get your copy and change your life today.

You are invited to my radio show where you can join me live on the air or in the chat room.  All shows are available as a download or you can listen on the show page. 

I discuss the law of attraction, conscious creating and healing your life.


  Click to hear a 1 1/2 hour show on consciously creating.  Then get a copy of the eBook.  This is your day for change.