Filling Life With Survival Or Thrival Energy How To Be Happy And Celebrate Living


I talk with a lot of people every week.  I am on several social media sites and see the anger, frustration and general unhappiness of so many wonderful people who don’t understand why and how their lives are the way they are.  Honestly I don’t enjoy struggling and wrestling with life and that’s the very reason I’ve spent 50 years asking for answers to some very important questions.  Being raised in the Baptist church I heard all the sweet bye and bye tales and honestly, even as a child it sounded like poo poo to me.  Asking questions from preachers about why we weren’t following Jesus’s notice of, “All that I’ve done and even greater than this shall ye do also” didn’t make me very popular either.  I was born to debate these silly superstitions of being tested, tried, and having to wait till I got to heaven to be healthy, happy and successful. 

Today we have a lot of so called law of attraction,  get rich quick schemes and schemers who either don’t know better or don’t care if they mislead people, teaching a recycled version of the religious dogma so many have decided to move away from, but are still trapped by such stuff as “being the vibration of, attracting,” etc.  It’s time for some real wisdom and how to talk that actually works.  You don’t have to become anything.  You already are.  You’ve just covered it all up with all the stuff you are not.  My joy is working with people to help uncover the self from all the lies and self deceit.

You are told to change your thinking.  You are directed to live from your heart.  All that sounds great too.  But does it work?  You aren’t changing anything at all by staying in  your thought/beliefs/programs and your emotions.  Unless you install a new operating system nothing will change. Period.  So many of you are trying to force old beliefs to create something new.  It will NOT work. 

My best advice to you as an author, teacher, radio host, mentor and divine being is to STOP trying to change any danged thing and find out how you create.  Then create what you want to experience!  That’s the answer.  It’s simple, sweet, direct and most importantly it works. 

Do you really KNOW Who You ARE?  Get out of intellectual spirituality and emotional spirituality and dive into experiential spirituality.  Head on over to WISDOM!  In all thy getting, get understanding.. in other words all that gathering of  information that you are memorizing and regurgitating, sit in the silence with it until you understand it and are living it.  Those are strong words, but it’s time for us to stop pussy-footing.  You either want to be happy, healthy, and successful or you don’t.  It’s time to choose.  You can move into knowing who you are and living that or continuing to live a small, frightened and dissatisfying life.    What do you want?  There it is, pure and simple.  What DO YOU WANT?

As in all my books, articles, teachings and videos.. I want to be of help to you.  I will not tickle  your ears with what you want to hear to ease your pain.  I will point out the reason for your pain and give you the tools to move past it into the life you deserve and want to live.  In my new book, just release, “I Can Fill This Space With Any Thing I Want; Consciously Creating Life” I do just that.   As I finished the last read through I was amazed at the powerful information in this book, and I typed it all down.  I asked, I was answered.  You asked, You are answered.  Now it’s up to you what you do next.  You can keep making excuses or take a step in the direction of the life you say you want.  I’ll help.  I’ll keep writing, doing radio shows where I teach these principles and publishing books.  I’ll even work one on one with a few of you.  BUT you are the one who decides your life. 

Choose now!   Get your copy at Amazon and live it.  oh, leave a review too please! 

I love you, love yourself well,

Donna DeVane

The Barefoot Guru

Prepare to Thrive and Live Successfully

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Many make preparations to survive hard times and while it is to wise set back a little nest egg, it is wiser still to make preparations to thrive.  How do you prepare to be successful?  First you must believe that you can be successful and then you must have the operating system or beliefs in place that work energetically to create success.  Once you know that you have the operating system or beliefs in place that allow you to be successful it is a matter of moving steadily in the direction of your dreams and goals.  Without the belief that you can be successful you will find it very challenging to experience success for very long.  Just just about everyone wants more money, most do not have a belief system that allows them to create a successful experience for themselves.

Take a look at your own personal beliefs.  What do you think about money, the energy of having money, what do you think about people we have lots of money?  How hard do you think money is to get and hold on to you?  How would it change you and change your life?  Many people have a hidden fear  of being successful.  Many feel that if they are in the limelight people will take a look in their closet and find all the skeletons that they have hidden there.  Guilt and shame hinder many people from living a successful live style.  Because you have not made peace with your past, perhaps you have made some unwise choices, you have a fear that someone will find out.  A very important step in the process of preparing for success is going back through your life and applying the energy of forgiveness  for yourself and for others.  This allows you to energetically clean the space between you and experiences so that you will not worried about other seeing inside.

Start by writing down your beliefs about money and people with money.  If you want money on the one hand yet believe that money is easy if easy to see why money runs away from you.  Money is energy and all energy affects all other energy and is affected by all energy. You may have heard the saying in order to have a friend be a friend, the energy dynamics of that works equally for money.  In order to have money and success one must know themselves to be worthy of money and successful.  A process of doing your own inner  clearing work will allow you to release all the limits and fear that keep you from being successful.  When you get to the plate that you have nothing to slide you lose the concern that someone will find your skeletons.  Making peace with the path, applying the energy of forgiveness, and  honesty will released you so that you can move into success.

Once you have an honestly dealt with your fears and insecurity you then have only to make sure that your beliefs have the creative power to bring you into successful experiences.  Clearing out the path and installing a new  belief system guarantees success.  All you need now is a clear mental picture of what you really want. Once you decide what it is you want to experience you have only to follow the inspiration and the joy to create just that.  Fear no longer holds you back and limiting beliefs have released their hold on you.  You are ready now to create the lives of your dreams one incredible day after another. You have taken the steps to Be Successful and success will show up time and again in your experience.  You’ve done all the work necessary to begin creating with the energy of what you desire and can be assured that it will manifest in your experience.


Check my books on forgiveness and self healing out on Amazon by clicking here.