Prepare to Thrive and Live Successfully

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Many make preparations to survive hard times and while it is to wise set back a little nest egg, it is wiser still to make preparations to thrive.  How do you prepare to be successful?  First you must believe that you can be successful and then you must have the operating system or beliefs in place that work energetically to create success.  Once you know that you have the operating system or beliefs in place that allow you to be successful it is a matter of moving steadily in the direction of your dreams and goals.  Without the belief that you can be successful you will find it very challenging to experience success for very long.  Just just about everyone wants more money, most do not have a belief system that allows them to create a successful experience for themselves.

Take a look at your own personal beliefs.  What do you think about money, the energy of having money, what do you think about people we have lots of money?  How hard do you think money is to get and hold on to you?  How would it change you and change your life?  Many people have a hidden fear  of being successful.  Many feel that if they are in the limelight people will take a look in their closet and find all the skeletons that they have hidden there.  Guilt and shame hinder many people from living a successful live style.  Because you have not made peace with your past, perhaps you have made some unwise choices, you have a fear that someone will find out.  A very important step in the process of preparing for success is going back through your life and applying the energy of forgiveness  for yourself and for others.  This allows you to energetically clean the space between you and experiences so that you will not worried about other seeing inside.

Start by writing down your beliefs about money and people with money.  If you want money on the one hand yet believe that money is easy if easy to see why money runs away from you.  Money is energy and all energy affects all other energy and is affected by all energy. You may have heard the saying in order to have a friend be a friend, the energy dynamics of that works equally for money.  In order to have money and success one must know themselves to be worthy of money and successful.  A process of doing your own inner  clearing work will allow you to release all the limits and fear that keep you from being successful.  When you get to the plate that you have nothing to slide you lose the concern that someone will find your skeletons.  Making peace with the path, applying the energy of forgiveness, and  honesty will released you so that you can move into success.

Once you have an honestly dealt with your fears and insecurity you then have only to make sure that your beliefs have the creative power to bring you into successful experiences.  Clearing out the path and installing a new  belief system guarantees success.  All you need now is a clear mental picture of what you really want. Once you decide what it is you want to experience you have only to follow the inspiration and the joy to create just that.  Fear no longer holds you back and limiting beliefs have released their hold on you.  You are ready now to create the lives of your dreams one incredible day after another. You have taken the steps to Be Successful and success will show up time and again in your experience.  You’ve done all the work necessary to begin creating with the energy of what you desire and can be assured that it will manifest in your experience.


Check my books on forgiveness and self healing out on Amazon by clicking here.