Chaos and Change Power of Something New

 Thrive kindle book,

The death of of a Caterpillar is the birth of a butterfly.  The end of the seed is the beginning of a plant. Destruction of night time instruction of day.  In these examples I’m attempting to make a point, spreads with some understanding chaos as a part of change.  Without endings there’s never a beginning.  Globally we’re seeing the ending of the way  America used to be. Not long ago and now, was number one in producing products for export, not today.  American corporations have taken the American taxpayer money and moved their whole business overseas to be assured of higher profits.  At present up to 30% of Americans are unemployed or underemployed.  Bankruptcy numbers increase almost daily.  Even our food isn’t real anymore as its genetically modified play it, an animal, an insecticide combinations.  Our work contains fluoride and other toxic chemicals, vaccines contain mercury and what is supposed to be medicine often causes more harm than good.

We have military bases in practically every country on the planet, and are involved in 4 to 6 wars at the  present time.  What is going on?  Is the whole world coming apart at the seams, is it be the end of life as we’ve known it?  Millions across the globe are asking what can we do now, how can we make this  better?  Fear is prevalent America and across the globe hundreds of millions of people realize that the power, control, and natural resources is increasingly in fewer and fewer hands. What does it mean, how did we get to this point, and most importantly why can we do now?

How we got to this point is simple weekday of a personal power and authority away a to a small group of people.  For thousands of years we have let the religious and political leaders decide for us on more and more issues.  Humanity has become less and less aware of our own power to divert our lives and make wise decisions.  We’ve been programmed to always look outside of ourselves to some other authority for help, safety, and wisdom. Now as we look at the power of corruption and greed sitting home here in America as well as other countries across the globe, we feel fear.  It’s time for us to take action using the fear as the energy to move us forward. There are after all below onions and a lot of us, regular humanity, then there are of the ruling class.

We have only to decide to reclaim our power and self govern.  Now that we’ve been painted into a corner it’s time to not be concerned about walking in the wet paint, it’s time to run through the wet paint into a new creation of our choice. The question before us now is what type of life do we want to live? Will we take the energy of chaos and change it into something more acceptable to all of us?  Like now the fewest of humanity has the vast majority of all well sources.  While millions died from lack of food and clean water that few of the talk tell us we need to sacrifice and cut back while living in their $50,000,000 homes and flying in their private jets.  This is completely insane! 

As individuals or as the global residents of earth we can change this.  There’s no doubt that we have the power and the ability to make things different, the only question is will we come together as ONE People and do so.  It’s time for us as individuals to ask ourselves  honestly who have we given our power to? Why have we given up by authority over our own lives?  What lies and deceit have we bought into that we now feel dependent upon all those outside of us to make our choices and decisions? We need to understand that the battle for power and control begins the moment we are born. Parents and other adults expect, sometimes even demand, that we comply with their wishes.  Some degree this is helpful to we need to learn that a hot stove will burn, falling out of trees can break bones, and playing in traffic is not a wise choice. However when religious and political authorities combined with teachers and other adults try to force compliance over every belief and action we began going downhill in our experience of being powerful beings.  More often than not it takes tremendous conflict and chaos before we break out against the system programmed within us from others and make different choices.  This where we all are at the present time.

We are faced with a choice, do we continue to go along with the program is planned or do we make use of the fear and the chaos to create something different and more to our liking? Regardless of whether it is on a personal level or a global level the principles of creation work the same. Four great change comes great chaos.  In a moment of chaos you can look fear in the eye and choose to act rather than continue to react. When you choose two that you begin the process of creating a brand new experience for yourself and because we are all connected, you begin changing the world.  We all the ones we’ve been waiting for, as the Hopi Elders say.  Time of great ending can be used as the catapult for humanity to create a wonderful and brand new beginning.

The power is in your hand, the  choice is yours, you have only to decide to create something better and different. Decide to create a brand new life experience for yourself and watch as it magically transforms the world around you. You have the power, you all are the power!

Get your copy of How To Thrive in a Survival Mindset World today at Amazon and empower yourself for Great Changes!

Decide to Live Free and Happy


Live Free Make a Choice

You’ve been hurt, maybe badly.  You still think about it and feel bad, maybe even afraid that it could happen again.  What I’m about to say is radical.. but true.  You need to forgive.  The is the only way you can set yourself free to live in the now.  When we hold onto the past it keeps it in our face, in our now.  Forgiveness frees us from that tie of hurt, like a chain holding us in place.

Many hold onto the pain and refuse to forgive thinking that forgiveness sets the other person free from responsibility.  Not so.  Forgiveness releases you from the hold of pain and repeating the same scene over and over again. 

In order to live free of the past and create another now you have to make some choices.  They are yours alone to make.  You get to decide to hold onto the pain and fear or release yourself by forgiving.

Watch the video and listen to your smart self.

Visit for tools to help you transform your life.

Tired of Loud Sales Pitches


This morning I clicked on a little ad at Facebook that promised to tell me the secret to online marketing.  Because my business is mostly I was interested in getting more traffic.  I had to laugh as I was taken to a page that promised to “share this free information” with me if I gave my name and email.  I filled in the blanks.  Next I was redirected to another page where if I gave my info again I would be given a FREE GIFT that would change my life, increase my income by thousands of dollars and change my life forever.  After giving them my information I was redirected to a video.  Now this is a 16 minute video where a guy tells you over and over again how much money he’s made online going from knowing nothing about marketing, no list, no contacts and in just one month he broke the bank.

I didn’t make it all the way through the “free sales pitch” video.  I clicked add to cart to see how much he wanted for my “free gift” that ended up being a sales pitch.  For just $97 bucks I could be like him and make money hand over fist.  I resisted.. LOL 

Truth be told we all want more, more money, better cars, bigger house, nice clothes, travel, eating out etc.  The question though for me is how do I want to get these things?  As a business person I am not comfortable with outlandish promises that end up in big sales pitches.  To me is something is FREE I want it to be free and worth my time.  I figure if I’m willing to get on your “contact” list and receive emails at least once a day for the rest of my internet life you should give me some information that I can actually do something with.  I don’t understand the lack of ethics in marketing by some people today.

I market and I promote my products and services, even here on my blog.  That’s business.  While telling you about my books, classes, jewelry, coaching, etc. I give information that you can actually use to aid you in taking your power back and creating something different in your life.  I also give away hours each week in my FREE radio shows, videos all over the net, groups I’ve created and believe it or now, I even give away free coaching for those who really don’t have two dimes to rub together yet are really ready to do something different.

It’s funny when I watch a lot of Free Gifts today that are really nothing more than fast talking used car salesman type hype.  They’ve studied enough marketing to understand that if they tell you “this offer want last for long, act now before the opportunity is lost, limited number of these”, etc, that it ignites the greed in a lot of people who want something for nothing or very little anyway.  The price is always there, the promises are mostly empty in this type of marketing.  They make their money getting you all excited so you will just click the Buy It Now button.

My family and friends tell me that I’m not pushy enough.  That’s ok by me.  I know that what I offer has value and I trust that those who are ready for the information will find it.  I don’t push giving away free coaching to get people to sign a contract, if you benefit from working with me you will keep working with me.  That’s the way I look at it. 

I’m not interested in having a million person email list to bombard with messages that get caught up in the spam folder or deleted upon seeing it’s yet another sales pitch.  I want to have a relationship with my clients.  I want to know you, the person that you are now and the person you are creating yourself to BE.  I want you to know me as a real person.  I’m not fancy, but I’m funny, insightful and pack a punch a lot of the time.  I’m excited about life, thrilled about what I’ve learned in more than 50 years living, learning and playing.

I don’t even promise you that I have your answers.  I don’t have them.  What I DO have is experience, intuition, love, and loads of information that has worked for me and many other people I’ve shared with.  That’s my marketing pitch.  I want to help you create your life the way you want to experience it.  Sure I want you to buy my book, purchase a necklace now and then; the utility company’s enjoy getting paid.  Most of all I want to help.  See I do what I do because it’s what I love.  It’s my way of sharing the joy and excitement of my life experience. 

My friends and family are glad that I coach, do radio shows, and write this blog because I’m not holding them down to share everything I’ve discovered each day like I used to do.  Smile

Here is a video I made on changing your life.  I hope you enjoy it, take something from it that helps you.. oh yea.. and buy my book A Journey Back To Self.  Subtle huh??? LOL

Here is the book I’m talking about click it or this link to get your copy signed and the FREE two hour teleseminar I talk about.  The seminar is really FREE no obligation, nothing to do.  You buy the book, I let you know when the call is and how to get there.  Easy huh? 

Love yourself well,

Donna       journeybook

Spiritual Evolution Transforming YOU

Now is the time.  Time to change YOU.  As you change your life changes. As your thinking, your knowing shifts, you create something different.

Your thoughts and beliefs combined with passion brings those things into form, what we call physical reality.  Don’t like what you got?  Think different, BE different.

Watch the video and visit my website A Journey Back to Self for more information on changing.

So many people are feeling the transformation calling… so many are up in arms at the strong energy they feel moving right now.  This is our call to Wake Up to Who We Are.  Will you answer the call?  Will you transform?  Will your Evolve now?

I also invite you to listen to and join me for Empowered Women Radio.