End of the World or Time to Evolve Already

Have you ever wondered why humanity is trained to be so fearful?  Think about it for a moment.  We fear getting sick, people leaving us, death, being robbed, what others think about us.  Why?  Why do we invest so much energy & time into fearing what might happen?

It’s about control.  Not self control, but the few controlling the masses through the power of fear. Yes, it is a very powerful tool and has worked for thousands of years.  Even the “spiritual” leaders use fear to build up their following.  If you don’t believe me just check out YouTube.

I get tickled when the “spiritual gurus” fall in line with the fear mongering of mainstream religion and politics.  How many times does the messiah have to miss the coming back dead line before people wake up and stop listening? How many times does the earthquake, you know that, BIG ONE, not shatter the country, before we stop listening to the doom day sayers?

What would happen in YOUR life if you focused your attention on living a life of joy and wonder?  Pause for just a moment and let yourself ponder that question.  What would your life be like if instead of living in fear you rather lived in joy and awe?

Are you willing to invest wisely in your life?  You want change?  Then it’s time to do the work.  Deal with the fear, face it, then let it go.  Move into a new mind set of joy and love.  You can.  There is no one more powerful or more loved than you are right this moment. Embrace that!  Live That~

I love you

Love yourself well!

The End of the World Yet Again

A bit of tongue in cheek today.. I just upgraded to Windows 10 and nothing odd happened.  I have not noticed any creepy crawlers around the desk.. LOL

I personally love technology and understand that it can’t do it’s job without “spying” on me a bit.  Oh, well.. I have a choice.. move to a cave or celebrate the wonderful technology all around us. Since I am a creature of comfort, I’ll leave the cave for another.

I really do get a lot of giggles when watching YouTube videos about how they have “proof” of the end of the world.  Don’t we get tired of these self proclaimed profits being WRONG?  Why are they still listened to?  Why do we insist on staying in fear and anger.

That’s the really important question.. why stay stuck in fear & anger?

Look within, acknowledge your own self imposed limits.  Heal.. heal.. heal..







Pay Attention to Your Thoughts

It’s summer.  It’s hot. It’s humid. That’s how it’s been my whole life here in south Alabama.  In the summer we talk a lot about it being hot & humid.  It also storms a lot here, has a far back as I can remember.

Nothing new about any of that.  You might be wondering why I’m blogging about weather.  I’m actually not.  I just want to get your attention!

How often do we just seem to be stuck on the same conversation?  How often does our life seem to be a rerun of what’s gone before?  There’s a reason for it. We are that reason.  We keep the same movie running in our heads where it shows up as strong emotions, we imagine it over and over again so it must take form.

That’s how we create.  We do it either with full understanding or in our ignorance of not knowing who we are and thereby not  paying attention.

Just for today pay attention to your thoughts, feels and your life.  Do you see how they all reflect one another?  Want a different movie to star in? Create a new movie in your head and stay in that movie and thrill as it becomes your reality!

I love you,

Love yourself well!

Reading by Candle Light

Just the other day the weather siren went off three times. That means a tornado has been spotted. Each time I went to the windows and say no sign of one so I continued about my business.  The winds blew walls of rain from one direction to another.  The trees danced bowing down low to kiss the Earth Mother with their lowest limbs.  It was a beautiful sight.

Then it happened!  The power went off.  Here in Alabama that’s not uncommon during thunderstorms. We tend to get some duzzies in this area and we don’t panick. Generally within a few minutes or a few hours the power is usually restored.

Not this time though.  After a few hours of reading I decided to see what the power company said about it all.  Calling their phone tree I finally got a message that the power would be on by 12:30. Not bad I thought, only a few more minutes of waiting time. A few hours later I called again and got the recorded message that the power would be on by 3:30.  Again, not bad, just a few more hours to go and more reading could take place.

Finally when my tablet reported that it only had 5% battery left I thought I’d call again.  It’s now around 5 in the afternoon.  Just as I was about to call a truck pulled up in my yard. Out jumped my daughter, terrified!  When I got to the door she gave me a huge bear hug and said she loved me.  Seems she had called and texted me many, many times with no response and thought I’d been swept away to OZ!

Once again a phone call was placed and I received the message that power would be restored by 11 PM. Eesh.. this is getting a bit silly, I thought. I really wanted some coffee.  I love coffee. Since all the wood was drenched I couldn’t even make coffee on my fire pit.  After my daughter left I drove to a friend’s house to check on her.  She had candles for the night so after a bit of chatting I went back home.  I lit my candles and pulled out a “real book”. 🙂

My little tea light candles were not bright enough to read by so I grabbed my battery powered candle and read right till the end of that print book.  It was a good read too.  I did some meditation and soon went off to sleep.  Sometime during the night, (found out later it was 3:45) the power came on and I woke for an instant hearing my fan start up.

Why am I sharing this little story? We are all creating and co creating. Sometimes the creations of others plays about on the edges of our world.  We can fuss, stomp and snort about it or grab a good book, a few candles and enjoy the down time.  That’s what I did.

Count it all joy.. In everything Be Thankful!

I love you.. love yourself well!

Making Sense of an Insane World


How do you deal with all the crazy going on in the world?  Things really do look out of control don’t they?  Wars and more wars, poverty, lack, horror seems to be all around us doesn’t it?  Do you ever ask yourself why all this is happening, what keeps it steady moving on?  The answer of course, is us.  Each of us adds our own fear, worries, stress, anxiety and beliefs about these things to the mixing bowl from which we all co-create reality.  We’ve are still just as superstitious as our ancestors years ago, but now rather than being afraid of the boogie man hiding in the darkness we fear “negative thoughts and ideas”.  This is FEAR, pure and simple.  Spending time and energy trying not to think “negative” thoughts is negative.  LOL  Actually the more resistance you have to anything the more fear you are pouring into the creation of that very thing.

On my radio shows I often ask just how danged ‘”enlightened” we are if we are afraid of our own thoughts, the TV, news and noticing all the ‘bad stuff’ out there.  How empowered are you if you are afraid of things that go bump in the night as thought, images and ideas?  Not very.

That’s why I write, teach, coach and host radio shows, to help you realize there is NOTHING to fear.  You are not creating the bad stuff by recognizing that it already exists.. you create it by fearing looking at it and noticing it.  When you see something already in form, it’s already been done.  Those molecules have already been called together to take that shape and form that experience.  Rather than fearing them look at them as the gift they actually are.  What thoughts, feelings; building materials were used to create that?  Now you have a clear understanding of how that got to be and you can consciously make a choice to do differently. 

With all of us investing so much energy into the cry for change we’ve brought things to a head, a point where we almost MUST look at what’s created.  Once we look and notice the energy or building materials we used to do that.. we can see how to create something else with a new energy.  New energy isn’t about resisting fear or resisting what already is… rather it’s coming into the Wisdom of Who We Are and creating from that point of knowing.

What do you really want to experience?  Really?  Be honest about it.  What energy have you been using to create with?  Do you see the difference? Pay attention to the energy.  It’s all about the energy.

Listen to me several times each week at Awakened Radio.  There’s a live chat room and a call in so you can take part.

How to Thrive in the Midst of Problems all Around You


What if all that stuff afraid of and stressful about, is really a messenger?

What if all that stuff that’s bugging you is really a friendly message? What if it’s there to get your attention to different choices that you can make?  Rather than seeing problems as huge mountains that you must overcome,  see them instead as friends showing up to get your attention on something very important.  Perhaps you’ve given your power away to others and feel stuck.  That feeling of being stuck is the reminder to pay attention and choose differently. 

Money is often a big daily reminder for some people.  What if the whole experience of not having enough money is there to remind you that there is only abundance and that it’s your beliefs, actions, that keep you experiencing the abundance of lack?

Stop struggling and start looking at what the reminder is. Once you begin looking at life this new way, things get clearer and easier, even more fun.  What isn’t how you like it isn’t set in stone unless you keep re-creating it by resisting it.  Let it move you into a deeper understanding of how you are creating and through the process of making new choices you will soon be having new experiences.

Life really is as easy and fun as you make it.  No one actually has any power over you.  You are just so powerful that you create the illusion of being powerless.  You can change this in the matter of a few seconds by Remembering Who You Are.

I love you!

How to Stay Motivated For Success


You want different, right?  You want more of the good life.  Most humans do want new and exciting adventures rather than boring, work all the time, struggle till retirement and hope there is money to live out the last few years of your life on.. kinda lives.. right?  Of course.

You’ve spent years wishing for something different.. you’ve made vision boards and felt really good about one day having all that right?  Then why hasn’t it shown up for your?  Perhaps you’ve worked a lot, spent thousands of hours on classes, promotions, selling, selling, working, working and still little result. 

Again, as I’ve said so many times; it’s about the energy.  What is your main energy?  I’ve included a video at the bottom of this post where I talked about a few of my HAH’s.  Perhaps you’ll see yourself in some of that talk, if so, I’d love to hear from you.  Leave me a comment.

What about the energy?  What is your MAIN energy signal that you are giving out?  Take your time with it.  Use your journal to really get to know yourself by writing what happens, how it feels, what you set in motion that set you up for that experience.  Let all experiences guide you to deeper understanding of how you are creating.  Most of us have spent years trying to fix our lives.  We’ve called it healing, but in reality we were trying to force the outer to line up the way we want it without doing the inside work. It’s the inside work that brings about the experiences.  Don’t forget that.  Write it down somewhere.  Over the years I’ve suggested that you stop several times a day and inquire of yourself,  What am I Thinking?  What am I Feeling?  Is this really want my next experiences to be like?  If the answer is yes keep on doing what you’re doing, if not it’s time to go within and figure out why you are thinking and feeling as you are right now.

What is the ENERGY?  Doing this over and over while being honest about your answers will reveal habits that might have been with you since childhood.  We don’t just wake up one day and stop believing in ourselves.  It happens over time.  My “lone wolf” energy was created over the many years of my first 30 years of life.  I learned as a child to be strong, independent and to depend on my self to get things done.  That’s great in a lot of situations, but when a team project is created, like Awakened Radio Network or writing books, I found, as you have, that “lone wolf” works against rather than for the experience wanted.

Once I understood what energy was blocking me from the experience I wanted to have I could make subtle and consistent changes and the results were incredible.  People began showing up to fund the radio station and to host their own shows, people began listening and telling others about it too.

Recently I realized that I was still using a lot of “fox medicine”, blending in and remaining just one of the many.  What I really want is to STAND OUT!  In order to be a million sold book author I do need to stand out.  I need to be in the spot light.  This realization took me within to understand why I was using Fox Medicine and how to bring it into harmony with the life I want to really live. 

By taking time to sit in the sacred space of silence and listen to sacred self,  you will uncover the why of your energy and from that point you will be able to make the adjustments necessary to “level up” to a new energy.  I like the level up thing, keeps us remembering that it’s all a wonderful game where everything we need to play and win is already included.  You have only to move through the different levels by doing to level up. 

Level UP!  Take part in my weekly radio shows on Wealth Consciousness, Personal Empowerment and more at Awakened Radio

If you’d like to work with me to discover the “medicine” you are using now and how to level up, visit Evolutionary Spirituality Coaching for Spirit Card Messages

Enjoy the video below and be sure to connect with me on Facebook.

Celebrating your Cute How we see ourselves matters

Celebrate Cute

One of the really great things about owning a radio station is getting to know so many awesome people.  As we come together at The Awakened Radio Network we find out so much about ourselves by sharing with one another.  Working a radio station together is a new and exciting experience for me.  Recently we aired a “special broadcast” with several of us joining together to celebrate our cute.  That’s the player above, click it to listen to the broadcast.

We had a great time cutting up about how cute we all are, which it totally the truth.. we also shared some terrific insights into our self worth, awakening and how we are living our lives in a new ways.

Loads of people are interested in “what’s next”.  We’ve spent years trying to figure out who we are and why we are here.  Perhaps it’s not as complicated as we’ve made it.  What if we are here to experience ourselves as creative energy playing about with molecules to create experiences so that we can interact with ourselves? 

The longer I play at being human the more fun I’m having.  I’ve learned to lighten up and just go with what delights the stuffing out of me.  Have you got that yet?  That there are no rules… it’s really about what delights you?  No right or wrong.. just creators creating according to our desire to experience.  It’s not permanent either.. play with your creations for as long as you are enjoying it, then just let it drop, the molecules go back to buzzing about, waiting for your to create with them again.

I invite you to join me and all the other hosts at www.AwakenedRadio.net  Check out all the broadcasts on our schedule and join us in the live chat room.  We are reminding one another of just how awesome and cute each of us indeed is.     


Be A Star Share Your Message with the World at Awakened Radio

Promo Poster.jpg Donna

How To Create a Website

Radio Show Schedule

Shop Awakened Store Support The Station
Share The Love

Political Insights Sun 3 C
Sharing With Yahdoh Sun 6 pm C

Empowered People Mon 7 PM
Spread The Word on FB Twitter

She Who Calls The Sacred Wind Tue 7 pm C

Wise Women Wed. 7 pm C

A Journey Back To Self pm C

Empowered People 7 pm C

Fund Raiser May 5th

Empowered Women Fri 7 pm C

Healing Circle Sat. 7 pm C

What began as a dream is now five months old and growing by leaps and bounds.  I’m talking about Awakened Radio.  When I first starting talking about it around two years ago it was a dream something I wanted to experience.  Now we are a family of caring people sharing our message with the world that we can create something different.

Awakened Radio is an online radio show that features conversations on topics that matter to you.  We inspire, encourage, motivate, challenge and sometimes even provide a kick in the pants to move us all forward into a new action.

Now we are ready to take another step forward and invite you to the party we are hosting May 5th from 11 am – 5 pm central time.  You can join us on the air to share with the world your book, product, business, coaching service or other interest.

We are about working together so that we all thrive and at Awakened Radio we are living examples of what we teach & talk about.  We are working together to create a new reality for all of us. 

Here’s what we are doing May 5th.  If you have a book, product or service that you’d like us to help you promote, go to www.AwakenedRadio.net/mayfundraiser and get the details on being on the air.  You make a donation of your choice to the station, I put you on the schedule.  The schedule is on the webpage showing the slots open.  There are only a few left.. so please hurry if you are ready to go global.

We will bring you on the air for 15 minutes so you can tell the world about your project or book.  I will produce so all you have to do is talk.  After signing up you provide with me a picture or logo of your product / service, a small write up and a link to your website / etc. where people can purchase or get more information.

I will provide archives of the shows so that you can use them on your blog, website etc.

It’s easy and it’s fun.  You might just decide that you want to host a show with us.  We have details of that on the station website as well.  You don’t have to pay hundreds of dollars to get your own show and producer.  We are not a corporation we are real people with real messages talking with other real people to make real changes.

Join us May 5th on the air or in the chat room to hear about some awesome books, courses and projects that can help you change your life.  We will be doing drawings for some great prizes plus auctions.  Your support helps us to stay on the air and to grow reaching the globe. 

You are appreciated.  You are loved.  Awakened Radio is more than a radio station, we are a family working together to make things better for everyone.  Join us daily for live shows, chat and call in.  


Awakened Radio Reaches The World For Empowerment



Awakened Radio is the perfect place to hang out with your friends and make new friends in our chat room.  Our shows are informative, inspirational and sometimes challenging.  We base our message on the question, what if challenges are just opportunities for awakening and growth? 

We have lots of problems in America.  Many people are frightened, even angry & anxious about what the future will bring.  What if these problems are the spring board we’ve created to move us forward into the next highest expression of self?  Consider that we are all creating and co-creating our life experiences.  Perhaps in our Conscious Wisdom we have created these very problems to propel us into making the changes within self that will change everything.

We have created an abundance of lack, hunger, poverty, homelessness, joblessness and fear.  Now we are at a junction.  Do we want to continue experiencing more of this abundance or do we desire to create an abundance of peace, health, joy, food for all, and goodness?  We are the only ones who can do this.  We are the ones with the choice of the seed we plant.  Imagine that your life experiences are a garden.  What grows there depends on the seed you plant and nurture.  What type of seed are you planting?

Your thoughts, actions, beliefs and lack of action are your seed.  Each when nurtured with emotion grows and produces more seed after it’s kind so that even more is produced.  Do you see how it works?  By planting only the seed that you desire to harvest you create a life that brings experiences you want to have.  When you unconsciously sow seed of worry, anger, fear and lack, you then produce those very things in abundance.

There is ONLY Abundance.  Look around you, notice that even the unwanted experiences are in abundance.  This is how life works.  You set energy into motion, it expands and produces more of it’s own energy.  You react to the experiences giving out more seed energy that will grow and expand. 

This is the reason I host shows at Awakened Radio, to remind myself and you that we are the energy putting energy into motion that then becomes the experiences we have.  When we understand these principles of seed, growth and renewal we more consciously create and create more of what we desire to experience.  It’s simple and requires a bit of practice to grow both a vegetable garden and a life garden.  Join us at www.AwakenedRadio.net for our live shows and chat room. 

We are more than a radio station.. we are a family creating on purpose and changing the world..