Where Did Your Happy Go?


I wrote How To Be Happy And Live Free to inspire us all to live in the river of joy and fun.  I was amazed when it began outselling all the other books.  I had to wonder if we are really that unaware of how to be happy and after speaking with people around the world I have come to the conclusion that we are indeed lacking the happy factor.

What happened to our happiness?  How did we lose our joy and move into struggle, worry and fear?  Is it due to being an adult or something else?  We have bought into the idea that happiness depends on something happening and that’s where we start down the path of anxiety and stress.  If we base our joy on outside events there are never enough of them to sustain our joy.  We become like a drug addict, always demanding more in order to feel normal.

Today turn it around by accepting that joy, happiness, love, all exist within you.  Your state of mind, the way you think, what you think of results in feelings which in turn bring into your life experience things that perfectly reflect what you are holding onto as true.

I realize you’ve heard that before and are probably asking, Ok, HOW?  I get that as I went through the same question.  Thoughts become things is a little saying passed around a lot, but do we truly understand the truth in the statement?  Start today off by paying close attention to how you are feeling, then look at the predominate thoughts you are entertaining.  You will quickly see they are related.  Now begin thinking of what you would really enjoy feeling.  What is that state of mind, emotion, that you are questing for?

Now that you’ve named that feeling, move into your imagination and create a short little scene that perfectly reflects you in that state.  Play there until it feels totally real.  Throughout the day keep going back to that scene.  Practice it over and over and you will soon be amazed at how life now reflects that new mindset.

Practice does make perfect~

I’ve put together an online course based on my book, How To Be Happy And Live Free.  It uses videos to move you through the book with exercises to Make It Real in your life.  You can find my books here.

My goal is to reach ten people each week with the course so that we can find our happy, change our lives and create a more wonderful world for all of us.  I appreciate you sharing the links with your friends.

Changing The Role You Play to Manifest a New Life

Do you know the role you are currently playing? If your life was part of a TV show or a play, how would you describe your character? What is his/her role about? Take a few moments and write it down and describe it completely. Next, ask yourself if this is actually the role you’d like to play. If it’s not it’s a simple thing to change roles.

Describe thoroughly the role you’d like to have. What do you look like, feel like? How are your relationships? How do you deal with money? How healthy are you? What do you do for fun? Let your imagination go wild, dream big and bravely.

Now, understand that both of these roles are the result of what you imagine yourself to be. The first one feels real because you’ve played that role for so long. Truth is, that the second one is just as available to you as the role you no longer enjoy playing.

Your life is the result of what you imagine yourself and world to be. You’ve spent your life creating and recreating it based on what you hold to be true. Your life expands according to and as a perfect reflection of what you believe or hold to be true. In order to change roles you must start at the core. What do you believe about yourself and the world in relationship with you?

A new role is the result of you imagining yourself totally different. You must go within and create an image of your new self in such vivid detail that the reality of it overshadows the old role. Hold to this vision of the new you, feel from it, speak from it, live from it. Be the new you in every detail. Don’t go back to the old role of worry, stress, lack and ill health. Stay in the new role until it appears in vivid detail as your new reality.

Exercise your imagination in a way that brings about the reality you truly desire to experience. When your mind wanders to the old role, pause and move into the new one. Listen for what you are I Aming into form. Your words reveal the role you are currently playing. Change those I AM statements to be in harmony with the new you.

You have all the power you need, right now, to create a new role for yourself. Imagine your world into form!

Get Your Happy on!

Be Live Happy Course

Being Happy – It’s Better to Give Than to Receive

We’ve all heard that it’s better to give than to receive, yet we’ve misunderstood how it really works to benefit all involved. Most think that giving involves only money or acts of charity. There is a deeper element to giving that guarantees your happiness and the enhanced happiness of those you interact with.

Giving is based on you having something and passing it on to someone else, easy, right? But what if what you are giving is judgment and criticism? What if giving is based in trying to “fix” or change someone else? What if conditions are being placed on the gift? That changes the energy of giving into manipulation and continues a cycle of anger, fear, lack, sickness and poverty.

You can learn to give in a way that actually delivers happiness, health, wealth and prosperity to all. Giving that changes the world involves being able to see the best, the highest level of goodness in everyone and holding them in that energy even when they are not aware of it or living it. Perhaps you want your children to be more content and do their homework and keep their room clean without you needing to nag. You give promises of rewards if they do these things, you go out of your way to meet their needs in order to get them to give in return. What happens? The cycle continues.

Try this instead. Close your eyes and relax. Use your powerful imagination, which creates everything you experience, and see your children happy, cooperative, enjoying making good grades in school and delighting in a clean home environment. In your imagination interact with them, say to them what you would say if this were actually so. Hear them talking and saying what they would say if this situation were actually a reality right now.

Break it down to a small interaction where they are in their orderly room, homework done, laughing with you and saying Thank You in response to your congratulating them their report card. Practice this until it feels totally real. Let the joy bubble up inside you.

This type of giving actually lifts yourself and others into a higher expression and experience. It’s easy, and more effective than anything else you can do. Give the greatest of all gifts to the world, the gift of love, abundance, success, health and acceptance. It will pay off in a multitude of ways.


Discover the Power of YOU!


What if you are NOT here to change the world But to Create & Experience

What if you are not responsible for changing the world and fixing the lives of others?  What if you could let yourself off the hook for all that?  How would that feel?  Would you focus more on what you really want to have happening in your life?

If instead of spending so much of your time and energy concerned about what’s happening in the world you could use that space for creating a wonderful world for yourself, would you do it?  What would you fill your world with?  Health?  Wealth?  Good relationships?  Travel?

Would you be willing to create a sacred space to be still and use your imagination to fill you world with exactly what you want to have?  Would you invest 15 minutes once or twice a day to crank up the imagination and create exactly what you want?

I challenge you to ponder this.  Take the challenge and see what happens.  Let me know.  I love hearing from you.

Happy is an Attitude Away


It really is all about your attitude.  That is what determines the people you surround yourself with, the movies you watch, books you read, music you listen to and choices you make.

Take a moment right now to track back your thoughts and notice the feelings that go with them.  See how they are perfectly reflected in your experiences?  Notice too, the people in your life who also reflect your attitude back to you.  It’s like a huge mirror always showing us exactly what we say we are and what everything/one is in relationship to us.  That’s what we get, over and over again until we make an attitude adjustment.

Once you start to really understand the power that is at your command through sustained thoughts and feelings.. that which we refer to as beliefs, you will find it much easier to make these needed adjustments in your attitude.

Start with a few very basic steps.

  1. Where did this attitude/belief come from?
  2. Is it valid?  Do I see this playing out for everyone this way?
  3. Does this attitude/belief get me what I want in life?
  4. What ideas would work better to reflect what I really want?

By working through these easy steps on a daily basis you will better understand why your life is the way it is and come up with new ways to think and BE that better reflect what you actually want to experience.

You can change your attitude, you can change your life.  That’s not even a good question.. the best question is, will you?

For more in depth steps check out my books at Amazon 

My books are also available as Audio books on Audible & ITunes Look for Donna DeVane


Energy You Create With

We all know this.. but we seldom live this truth.  The energy you create with is the energy of the creation.  You just can’t create loving, kind, experiences of abundance & bliss with fear, anger and poverty.

Now we know this.  But we keep slipping into old habits of thought, those things we call beliefs.  We REACT to fear mongering & horrors with horror and fear!

No wonder the cycle isn’t broken.  If we want a different experience WE ARE what must be different.  It’s not enough to just talk about it.. IT MUST be lived.. every moment of every day.  We MUST be aware of what’s going on in our heads, body, and what actions we are taking.

Today.. pay attention to yourself.  Adjust when necessary.


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The End of the World Yet Again

A bit of tongue in cheek today.. I just upgraded to Windows 10 and nothing odd happened.  I have not noticed any creepy crawlers around the desk.. LOL

I personally love technology and understand that it can’t do it’s job without “spying” on me a bit.  Oh, well.. I have a choice.. move to a cave or celebrate the wonderful technology all around us. Since I am a creature of comfort, I’ll leave the cave for another.

I really do get a lot of giggles when watching YouTube videos about how they have “proof” of the end of the world.  Don’t we get tired of these self proclaimed profits being WRONG?  Why are they still listened to?  Why do we insist on staying in fear and anger.

That’s the really important question.. why stay stuck in fear & anger?

Look within, acknowledge your own self imposed limits.  Heal.. heal.. heal..







Predetermine your life experiences. Creating as Creator.

You already predetermine your experiences, mostly, though, you are unaware of what you are creating and how.  Pause for a moment and consider all the time spent worrying, dreading, dreaming up and imagining how life is soon going to be for you.  See the power of that?

That’s how it’s done.  I could stop right here as that is the key.

Take that same principle and use it with the ideas of what you really do desire to experience.  Stop worrying your experiences into place, rather, dream your life into place.  It’s that simple.  It might not feel so easy to start with as you haven’t practiced this way of creating often enough for it to feel natural.  Continue practicing.  Imagine what you desire to experience.  Always go there.  When the mind wanders STOP and go into your imagination and create your desires.

Just keep doing that.  Do it over and over again day in and day out.  No matter what is there for you now, interact lightly with it knowing it’s just a shadow.  Keep your mind fixed on your desires and soon you will begin noticing how your experiences start to change.  Stay the course.

Love yourself well!

Pay Attention to Your Thoughts

It’s summer.  It’s hot. It’s humid. That’s how it’s been my whole life here in south Alabama.  In the summer we talk a lot about it being hot & humid.  It also storms a lot here, has a far back as I can remember.

Nothing new about any of that.  You might be wondering why I’m blogging about weather.  I’m actually not.  I just want to get your attention!

How often do we just seem to be stuck on the same conversation?  How often does our life seem to be a rerun of what’s gone before?  There’s a reason for it. We are that reason.  We keep the same movie running in our heads where it shows up as strong emotions, we imagine it over and over again so it must take form.

That’s how we create.  We do it either with full understanding or in our ignorance of not knowing who we are and thereby not  paying attention.

Just for today pay attention to your thoughts, feels and your life.  Do you see how they all reflect one another?  Want a different movie to star in? Create a new movie in your head and stay in that movie and thrill as it becomes your reality!

I love you,

Love yourself well!

Keep That Energy Ball Rolling Along

You are what keeps it going. Whatever it is! You keep it rolling right along. Have you ever noticed how when one or two people in a group start expressing anger more and more people join the party?  Same thing for giving thanks and kindness.  Once we get energy moving it expands and more of it is expressed. That’s why it’s so danged hard to stop the anger and fighting.  Too many people are rolling that energy ball down the road.

Not only do we do this as groups, but individually as well.  As long as you hold onto a train of thought it’s added to with feeling, actions, circumstances, which brings about even more thoughts along the same line.  It builds into forms which leads to even more energy being expanded and created.  We all do it.  We worry, complain, gossip, express our fears and our anger.  The more we do the more we create the very same things we are worrying and complaining about.

Recently I have been watching a group of people who are weary of the ugly words of others.  Some people in this group are expressing their lack of pleasure by stating that they just simply will not be part of it any long.  Others are fussing and cussing about how horrible it all is and poking fingers at the ones causing the problem.  Do you see what’s being created here?  The more people fuss the more the fussing people fuss, so it continues.

A big topic of conversation is how we can change the world.  Leave the world alone and change YOUR world.  You are not in control of the thoughts and actions of others.  You don’t have to play with them, you can move into a new experience at any time.  Change your world.  Choose your thoughts, words, feelings, actions to be in line with how you want to experience your world.

You have ALL the power in your own life and your own creations.  Stay true to your course, flow all the energy into your dreams and desires.  Let others do the same.  Start by loving & respecting yourself.  It all starts there.  Without love for you there will be little love for others.  Loving yourself, honoring yourself overflows into kindness towards others.

This is how we change the world.

I love you!!!

Donna DeVane The Barefoot Guru

Visit my YouTube Channel!