Do the Next Right Thing Change the World


I’m often asked how to change things, how to make a difference in all the sadness,  poverty and anger seen in our lives and our world.  My answer is simple; do the next right thing.  What is the right thing, ask most people upon hearing my answer.  The next right thing is the next word, step, or action that takes you in the direction of peace, joy, love; true wealth.  True wealth is what we are all looking for, not just more money and stuff.  This is why so many are stressed out and miserable.  They don’t understand these two principles.  The next best thing and true wealth are the secrets that will change your life.  There is nothing hidden from you,  you’ve just been mislead into thinking that the outer is where things come from rather than understanding that it is within that creation happens. 

It’s easy to change things when you understand how you create things to start with.  It’s not the stress, work and day long activity that brings for your experiences.  Rather it’s what’s inside you.  Those “this is how the world is for me” beliefs bring forth in their own image time and again.  Staying here in this state of Knowing Things to Be only creates more of the same stuff you aren’t enjoying.   You get the experiences that you believe into being.  It’s that simple.  Change the view you have of yourself, what you deserve & how the world treats you and you change what you experience.  Imagine you are at a movie house.  On one side there is a horror movie with grisly scenes of violence and fear.  On the other side is a feel good inspiration movie filled with scenes of joy and positive emotion.  You are the one who decides what movie to experience. 

Watching a movie kicks in your emotions and you begin to feel what you are watching right?  Right.  Well there is a movie going on inside you and it’s playing all day long, day after day.  It’s creating with the energy you are experiencing while watching the movie.   You determine which movie you watch and take part in whether it’s at the movie house or the one playing in your “knowing place”.  You can change reels or walk to the other movie at any time you choose.   The truth is that as long as you stay in the movie of  your choice you will be creating with the energy of that movie.  It will appear in experiences for your to interact with over and over again until you decide on another genre.

Making a new choice isn’t hard either once you understand and accept that the beliefs you are creating with didn’t come from you to start with.  They are hand me downs from all those “authority” figures in your life who told you what was true for them based on the hand me down beliefs they received the same way.  When you get that your life is based on not what YOU KNOW TO BE TRUE but on what others have told you, it gives you the chance to be free to decide for yourself.

Over the years I’ve worked with many adults who tell me they have felt worthless, less than, fearful etc based on what they were told and what happened while they were children.  They are creating their NOW based on a THEN.  With this new understanding you can begin writing a new movie for yourself.  You don’t have to change it all at once, change in the smallest steps you are comfortable with, but make those script changes.  Daily you will begin noticing how the experiences begin lining up according to the new movie you are making in your head. 

If you feel stumped.. just do the next right thing that takes you in the direction of what you want to experience.  Be easy on yourself and have fun with the process.  Within a week or two you will be amazed by how much your life and the world have changed.

I’d love to talk with you about one on one coaching.  Check out The BarefootGuru for information

Join us at Awakened Radio for shows throughout the week on creating your life your way.

Making Changes Real or Making Real Changes



We all say we want change.  We want things to be different.  The key is making the changes within you that you want to see reflected outside your in the world, in your relationships, in your success.

Whether it’s on a personal level or you want changes in politics, hunger, joblessness, cruelty.. the principles are the same.  The outer always reflects the belief system operating within YOU.  Unless and until you change, nothing changes.

This is why you can read books, take classes, get coaching and end up right where you were to start with.  Change really is an inside job.

All that is created begins within each of us.  You are the powerhouse of creative energy that brings your experiences into reality.  It’s  your thoughts, beliefs and actions that call molecules together to become the things that you interact with. In order to experience something different on the outside you have to experience something different within first.  This is the key to living the life you want.  Beliefs that create lack, sadness, low self esteem, war, struggle, poverty etc can not create prosperity, joy, happiness and peace.  The beliefs are the power that create the stuff.  The stuff always reflects the beliefs.

Simply looking at pictures and feeling good for a few minutes each day has very little influence on what you create.  It’s only when you know yourself to BE the energy of what you want to experience that you bring that forth.  You keep bringing into form the unwanted because that is what you think you are, what you think you deserve, how you think the world is.  Change the programming, change the creation. 


Join me on daily for live interactive radio shows on this and other topics.  Our hosts cover what’s of interest to you.

Listen to a recent show on this topic right now.


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Gardening For The Soul


Gardening represents the growing of our selves as well as the growth and harvest of food for our bodies.

During the winter I till the soil to root up all weeds, seeds and plants that are not helpful to the crops I wish to grow.
This is similar to the process of being honest with self about all the emotions and experiences of the past which we hold onto to.

Just as weeds, unwanted plants, in the garden will take nourishment and water from the vegetables I do wish to grow; holding onto the past consumes the attention and focus of my life energies.

Winter is the perfect time to till up the soil and lift up the seed and plants onto the surface so that I can easily identify them for removal.

The cold winter, which lacks the heat of the sun and encouragement for growth allow many of the unwanted seed and plants to be absorbed back into the soil providing food for growth come spring.

I spend most of the winter thinking and planning about the spring and summer garden.  Choosing from many catalogs those plants, which will bless my life with taste, health and beauty.

When spring heralds the time of beginning of growth I once again take my tiller and go through the soil, removing unwanted traces of last year’s experience.

This process reminds me of time spent in meditation and journal writing.  I allow myself to remember the experiences of the past, the opportunity for growth and deeper understanding they bring.

Those which I have learned from I bless and allow them to go their way, being absorbed once again into the Universal Energy.

I think on the things in my life I wish to experience, the loving people and exciting situations I desire to attract into my life for my further growth.  These are the seed of my personal garden I now wish to plant.

A good garden requires soil, sun for light and heat, nutrients and plenty of growing space.  I can’t allow the old plants and weeds too much room or they take from my garden the things needed by the vegetables for growth.

Having decided which plants to grow and having tilled the earth and removed last year’s leftovers, I am now ready to sow the seed and plants of new growth and blessings.

Much in the same way, I take stock of my life and let go of past hurts, pains, anger and disappointment in order to have room for new blessings and growth in understanding to grow.

During the growing season I offer nutrients, sunlight, and my attention to keep weeds at bay so that my garden has and easy path for production of high quality veggies.  Daily I walk through the plants and encourage them, and offer my aid in whatever way is needed.
I focus my attention on the growth of my garden.

In my personal garden I daily take time to do an inventory of what is growing in my heart and mind.  I am honest with myself about the emotions I am feeling, the desires I wish for and the steps I take to cultivate these things in my life.

If I allow the weeds of anger, despair and hurt to take over my heart then my life is joyless and full of worry.
By weeding out the old plants of the past once I have understood them and their role in my life, I am better able to release them.

The sunlight of joy, peace and love are then able to grow untangled with the plants and roots of the past.
More sunlight is able to penetrate my life and heart and my garden grows stronger and faster.

Throughout the growing season I am diligent to provide proper food and water for my garden.  I walk through with my tiller keeping the soil soft and weed free for easy and fast growth unhindered by the roots of weeds.

In my personal garden I daily take time to walk through the experiences of the day and understand them, incorporate the lessons they bring.  I keep the soil of my heart loosened and watered with prayer and mediation.

At the end of the summer I gather all the wonderful fruit of my garden.  I relish the taste and quality of the vegetables and herbs.  They bless my body with health and provide a blessing to the hunger for strong nourishment.

Often more is grown that what I can eat, so I store the extra in the freezer or canning jars to pull out and use during the winter when the garden is resting.

My personal garden blesses me with patience, joy, love and peace.  I find that I have grown deeper understanding of my self and my brothers and sisters.  Each season brings a bigger harvest than the one before as my experience deepens and my understanding of what to plant and the timing of it aids the growth.

Gardening for my body mirrors the gardening I do for my soul.  The principles of one enhance the other as I incorporate the lessons of each season into the next.

The attention, focus and planning required to grow vegetables mirror the steps I take to grow in understanding, love and joy in my life.

May your garden have plenty of sunshine, rain and your harvest be plentiful and the fruit sweet.

Surviveprintcover  Discover the Secret to Thriving Get a signed copy of my new book today!

Awakened Radio Creative Principle in Action


You’ve listened to me on the radio for years and heard me talk about how I wanted my very own radio station.  You hung out with me and shared the links as I did my version of money bombs to pay for the station.  Well, I am delighted to announce that my dream is now manifested.  You helped me speak it into form.  Thank you.  Awakened Radio is now a reality.  An online radio station that is on air 24 hours a day 7 days a week.  Awakened Radio always brings you something to listen to and something to talk about.  Even when I am not talking, someone will be, or music will be playing.  You will find a chat room and forums to share your insights with others while making new friends.

You probably will not agree with everything said on Awakened Radio, but listen anyway.  Let the cage of your comfort zone be rattled just a bit so that you can move away from any limits in your thinking and create a more expanded experience of yourself.  My shows, Empowered Women, Political Insights and Awakening With Donna DeVane will not streaming from Awakened Radio.  I will do a show now and again on BTR just to get the word out about where I’ve gone.  I invite you to help me let people know about the new station and where people can find it.

During parts of the day when I am not at the radio controls a simulcast will be played so that you always have something to listen to.  I’m working on redoing my schedule again.. lol and will also begin talking with potential hosts this week.  If you’ve ever wanted to host your own radio show contact me or better yet go to the station’s website and get the details on how you can host your own show.

On the station you will hear information on spirituality, self empowerment, family, employment, law of attraction, politics home and abroad.  You will also hear shows on UFO”S , comets and much more.  You will soon be able to call in and join hosts on the air through Skype.  Now you can chat in a room provided on the station website.  Take a look at the forum and add a thread.  What’s on your heart and mind?  Share it with us.

I want to mention to those who are feeling a bit discouraged about what they want not showing up yet, that it took over a year for this station to manifest.  I spoke it, thought it, dreamed it and moved in that direction for a year.  Out of the blue an angel showed up who barely knew me and offered to pay for the year of station costs up front.  I call that an ordinary miracle.  This is how it works.  You dream, you ask, you believe, you speak, you do and it manifests.  Sometimes it happens quickly, sometimes it takes a bit longer.  Stay the course and you will get your miracle.  Things are happening all the time in the energy realm of creation that you don’t see.  Just because you don’t see them doesn’t mean nothing is happening.  Stay the course, stay on track to what you want to experience.  It’s like when I plant seed in my garden.  I know that within each tiny seed is the full grown plant with harvest.  It doesn’t show up over night  after being planted, but it does show up.  I don’t give up on the harvest and dig the seed up because they didn’t produce over night.

Take the lesson of the seed and apply it to what you want to create.  Stay balanced, stay in joy.  It’s being created for you as you think it, feel it, speak it and do it into form.  You are not the only energy bringing it forth, it’s not only by your hands that things are manifested.  There is a great force working on your behalf.  Rest peacefully and joyfully in that knowledge.

Success is About More than the Money


What is success?  Is it money, houses, cars, travel?  Or is it more than this?  If you had all the stuff you could handle what would you have?  Would all this stuff bring you what you really want?  Would it bring peace, joy, love?  Probably not.  There would most likely be an empty spot inside you even with all the money and stuff.  There is a Bible verse that explains it well.  Seek ye first the kingdom of righteousness and all these things shall be added unto  you”.  What does that mean?  I put it simply this way, “The joy ain’t in the stuff, the stuff is in the joy” .   If you gather to yourself warehouses of stuff and don’t have peace, joy, love and the knowing of “oneness” you will still be seeking for what you want.  See the real truth is that in all our seeking  for wealth we are truly looking for a connection to life, to each other, to the Great OM. 

As you understand that the kingdom of righteousness is the right use of energy; thoughts, beliefs and actions, you are on the track to success.  The kingdom of heaven is within you, success, love, peace and joy are there too.  As a matter of fact everything that you want you already have; within you.  Most of us spend out entire lives looking outside self to find something that will never be found because we are looking in the wrong place.  We have it backwards.  What we seek is within self.  It’s the Who You Are.  As you remember this, connect with it and work with this knowing life begins to line up with this new right use of energy or righteousness.  You begin creating from within knowing that the without is merely a reflection or the evidence of the within. 

Get it “right” in your mind’s eye, in your spirit and it’s an easy thing to bring forth in the outer physical a perfect reflection of what you really want to experience.  Be honest.  What you really want you know money can not buy for you.  You know that on a deep level.  You feel the nudging of Spirit reminding you to look within.  It’s a bit frightening at first to give up the habit of trying to do all the work of creating your dreams outside yourself, after all, you’ve always done it that way and everyone you know does it that way.

Today is the perfect day to start walking the path of righteousness; right use of energy.  Go within.  Discover your power, your connection to the Great IS.  Create with that energy.  As you pull it into form within you, it is only a matter of time until the molecules line up as a reflection of  your inner reality so that you can experience what you’ve created.  That’s how it works.  Put the horse in front of the cart and the cart will be pulled.  Get yourself lined up with the Principles of Creation and get busy enjoying the creating of your dreams.


Get your signed copy of my newest book “How To Thrive In A Survival Mindset World” and discover the power of YOU!

Awakening to Your Power


Don’t you think it’s time?  Time to be aware of just how powerful you are to change your life is now.  You have a decision to make, do you continue to walk in reaction or do you take the reins of your life and create it as you want it to be?  There is a lot of talk today about Surviving the Bad Times Ahead.  Is this what you want, just to survive?  Surviving is better than not surviving, but not nearly as nice and thriving.  You decide.  Which would you rather experience?  Many are without jobs, without homes, without money and feel powerless to do anything about it.  That is not true, you are powerful.  You DO have the right and the power to create a new experience for yourself. 

You decide.  Do you want to just survive the hard times or actually create and experience something pleasing and fun?  It’s really not a hard concept.  You are the deciding factor.  It’s up to you.  There is no one with power over your life, unless you say so.  No one is out to get you unless you believe that they are.  You have no enemies only brothers and sisters unless you want enemies.

You don’t have to wait for the government to change, to create jobs, to help you get a home.  The government isn’t your creator.  You are the power of creation.  You have agreed to what you are now experiencing, possibility so that you could come to the understanding of just how powerful you are and begin right now, to create something else to experience.

You may be feeling fearful or angry, perhaps a combination.  That’s ok.  Now you can do something positive with those emotions.  Let them motivate you to move forward, to create something more to your liking.  You do have the power to do that.

Today make the choice to walk through the open door of personal power and potential.  Be Awake, Aware, Alert.. create on purpose.

Wake Up to your Greatness

You Are Awesome

It’s really a big thing that you realize just how awesome you are.  Until you do you will continue to create the same problems over and over again based on a false belief that you are powerless to change things, when in reality you are the awesome power creating experiences for yourself based on your beliefs.

That’s a mouthful of information isn’t it?  It’s true.  You are the energy, the creative mind, that brings your life into physical form so that you can experience yourself as the energy behind the experiences.  When you get this, really get this, you change everything.  You begin to create on purpose according to what you prefer rather than what you fear.  Most people stay poor even though they want money because they fear being poor and what it means.  They create late notices for bills, running out of money because this is the very thing they are afraid of.  Creating from fear only creates what you fear and more of it, big time.

As you awaken to your power to bring things into physical reality based on what you are experiencing yourself as, the joy, love, peace, abundance or fear, anger, dread, stress, you are free to decide what to create rather than creating on automatic.  Most of us have always created without much choice.  We’ve accepted beliefs, thoughts, ideas, that this is just the way it is and we keep creating with that energy.

Now it’s time for humanity to awaken to our greatness, to our awesome power.  Rather than just trying to survive another day it’s time to learn how to create a life that we actually want.  It’s time to awaken to the magic all around us, to understand that there is indeed more than enough of the good stuff for all of us.  We have only to reach out and experience it.  While that sounds simple and actually is simple, we don’t do it because we don’t believe it.  Now intellectually we know it, but we don’t really “know it” in our spirit.

This is the awakening.  Realizing in your spirit Who You Really Are.  Head knowledge will not change much.  As you move into knowing then things change because you change the energy you are creating with.  You are the key, you are the magic, you are the director in the play which is your life.

Isn’t it time you awaken?  Are you ready to create on purpose?

Let me help you.  Visit The Barefoot Guru for books, coaching, meditation items.

Visit my Amazon page as well for my list of books to help you empower your life.

Free Through Forgiveness


Set Your Self Free

You don’t forgive for others, you forgive to set yourself free from the emotional and energetic connections of the past.  While it doesn’t feel that easy to, you might even think it’s letting someone get away with the act that caused you pain, it isn’t about them. It’s about you.  You are not the experiences you’ve had.  You are not the feelings you experience now towards the past.  You are creative Source Energy, able to create something new as soon as you let go of the hold the past has on you. Often we are so identified with what’s happened to us, that we have no idea of who we are any more without the identity of the past experience.  Letting go not only feels threatening to your emotions, but your sense of who you are screams out and resists because who will you be without the experience?  What will you identity with if you forgive and let go?

Here is the exciting part of forgiveness; it’s let you move into the experience of Who You Really Are that you’ve denied all these years.  You begin to know yourself as love, joy, powerful creative energy able to do, be, have whatever you desire.  Being released through forgiveness is your opportunity to fly from the nest with wings spread wide as you soar over mountains and streams taking it all in.  It’s like being born again, this time without the hindrances of emotional locks and chains to the past. You begin to believe in possibilities again, perhaps for the first time in many years.  The way you see life and situations shifts over to what can I do next kind of thinking, you experience freedom in thinking, dreaming, knowing that you deserve something better and knowing that you can have that experience.

Forgiveness is the key that opens the door to a new life created with a new vision and understanding of Who You Are and what you can do.  It cuts the connection between you and the person who hurt you.  Through forgiveness you can both move on into a new life.  Forgiveness is a statement, an act, that states , “I take responsibility for my own life”.  Responsibility isn’t an ugly four letter word either, it means you realize you are able to do something else, to make another choice, to create another experience for yourself.

Take a situation right now, hold it lightly in your mind, say softly; I love you which is your agreeing that you are ONE with All.  You are offering yourself as a channel of Divine Love, knowing yourself as the power of love.

Now say, “I’m sorry”.  You are taking your power back, owning the responsibility for being able to change things with a new thought, a new idea, new actions.

Now say, “Please forgive me”.  You are not asking the person who hurt you for forgiveness, rather you are declaring your forgiveness of your self and any guilt you may hold for GOD or family.

Let it go and say, “Thank you”.  It’s done.  You’ve taken the steps necessary to forgive and let go.  It’s not about just saying the word.  Intend to BE FREE of the past and allow the energy of love to flow in and through you as you go through the steps.

If you’d like more help on forgiving check out my book at Amazon

Gaddafi stands up for what’s right against the war crimes of the west

Stand Up for Humanity

Whether you like Gaddafi or not you have to give him credit for standing firm for his country.  Most people in the west don’t know that he has lifted Libya from third world status to a thriving economy with running water, college for women,  decent housing for most Libyans, as well as nationalizing the oil and helping his nation to flourish.  While he is a dictator he seems to be a better leader than what we have here in the US right now.  He hasn’t invaded another country with out cause and called war crimes humanitarian aid.  I’m not asking you to like him or to agree with all his policies, but I do ask that you take a look at what the man has done for his country and his willingness to stand and fight against the horrors the west is causing his people.  Al-Qaida was supposed to be our enemy, remember 9/11?  Now we find out that the west has been giving this terror group money and training and using them to devastate other nations so that the big banker boys can get their hands on more oil, fresh water and gold.

This is NOT the America I grew up in.  When I was little you could trust the police to help you, today they taser you, beat you to death and arrest you when you video their crimes.  We have TSA telling us that we must endure molestation in order to fly on a plane and it’s coming to a bus stop, or shopping mall near you soon.  The price of food and utilities is on the rise in order to balance the books for the bankers who have stolen trillion of dollars and are now begging for another bail out because they are too big to fail.  What about the American people?  Are we not too big to fail?  Is our nation made up of millions of hard working human beings not worth saving?  Is it ok that jobs are shipped overseas so that corporations can make another trillion each quarter in profits?  Will we continue to stand for kids lemon aid stands being shut down, the raiding of good, clean food?  Will Americans keep giving their money and their souls to GMO fast food and paying for the slave labor of third world countries by shopping at the “low price leader”? 

I wonder, do we really see and understand what’s going on in our country and the world.  Do we have our eyes open or are they as closed as many hearts seem to be against injustice, cruelty, greed and tyranny?  It’s not enough to say we want peace, prosperity and well being for everyone, we have to BE that energy.  Being that energy means we do more than talk, we move always in that direction with each action and each word.  We don’t back down or hide from injustice, cowering in fear of either attracting “negative vibes” nor do we run to the streets with rage and violence in our hearts.  We simply stand for what’s right and make choices that are in the direction of what’s good for all of us. 

It’s time to do more than hope and wish that things will get better, than change will come.  It’s time to DO that change, to Be that change.  My daddy used to say, “hope and wish in one hand and poop in the other, see which one gets full quickest”, that is my message to you today.  Our hoping and wishing for the world to be better isn’t accomplishing much.  We want things to change because we are afraid of being, poor, sick, homeless.  Our fear is creating more to fear.  We’ve once again been brainwashed and programmed that if we just “stay positive” everything will work out.  How’s that working for us America? 

We are being treated like cattle because we are acting like cattle.  We buy into every promise from those who lied over and over again.  We are stuck hoping and wishing that the politicians and corporations who broke it are going to fix it.  Why would they?  They have their trillions, their mansions, their planes.  Now they have the ultimate; power, control over humanity world wide!  This is what it’s about.  They want power, they want control.  I want you to take your power back.  I want you to honor humanity, all humanity.  I want you to heal your fear and come into wisdom, knowing that the power you have to change things is real.  You and I are influencing the world, the question is how are we influencing?  Are we adding fear, greed, apathy or are we awake, aware and alert to what’s going on around us and willing to stand up, speak out for truth and justice?

It will not get any easier than it is right now to stand.  Actually, it will probably get harder to do so as we are told that dissent is now equal to terrorism.  Before it goes any further, let’s stand together, for all humanity and move steadily in the direction of prosperity, well being and justice for Every Human Being on this planet.  It’s not enough to just want better for yourself, you’ve got to want it for all of us.  Then BE that.  You have not been given the spirit of fear, but of love and a sound mind, live in that energy.  Look fear and injustice in the eye and tell it NO.  I will not live in fear, I will  take my power and create a better world for All Humanity. 

It’s time.  Now!


Empower Yourself Today! Get How To Thrive In A Survival Mindset World at Amazon

Gaddafi stands up for what’s right against the war crimes of the west

Stand Up for Humanity

Whether you like Gaddafi or not you have to give him credit for standing firm for his country.  Most people in the west don’t know that he has lifted Libya from third world status to a thriving economy with running water, college for women,  decent housing for most Libyans, as well as nationalizing the oil and helping his nation to flourish.  While he is a dictator he seems to be a better leader than what we have here in the US right now.  He hasn’t invaded another country with out cause and called war crimes humanitarian aid.  I’m not asking you to like him or to agree with all his policies, but I do ask that you take a look at what the man has done for his country and his willingness to stand and fight against the horrors the west is causing his people.  Al-Qaida was supposed to be our enemy, remember 9/11?  Now we find out that the west has been giving this terror group money and training and using them to devastate other nations so that the big banker boys can get their hands on more oil, fresh water and gold.

This is NOT the America I grew up in.  When I was little you could trust the police to help you, today they taser you, beat you to death and arrest you when you video their crimes.  We have TSA telling us that we must endure molestation in order to fly on a plane and it’s coming to a bus stop, or shopping mall near you soon.  The price of food and utilities is on the rise in order to balance the books for the bankers who have stolen trillion of dollars and are now begging for another bail out because they are too big to fail.  What about the American people?  Are we not too big to fail?  Is our nation made up of millions of hard working human beings not worth saving?  Is it ok that jobs are shipped overseas so that corporations can make another trillion each quarter in profits?  Will we continue to stand for kids lemon aid stands being shut down, the raiding of good, clean food?  Will Americans keep giving their money and their souls to GMO fast food and paying for the slave labor of third world countries by shopping at the “low price leader”? 

I wonder, do we really see and understand what’s going on in our country and the world.  Do we have our eyes open or are they as closed as many hearts seem to be against injustice, cruelty, greed and tyranny?  It’s not enough to say we want peace, prosperity and well being for everyone, we have to BE that energy.  Being that energy means we do more than talk, we move always in that direction with each action and each word.  We don’t back down or hide from injustice, cowering in fear of either attracting “negative vibes” nor do we run to the streets with rage and violence in our hearts.  We simply stand for what’s right and make choices that are in the direction of what’s good for all of us. 

It’s time to do more than hope and wish that things will get better, than change will come.  It’s time to DO that change, to Be that change.  My daddy used to say, “hope and wish in one hand and poop in the other, see which one gets full quickest”, that is my message to you today.  Our hoping and wishing for the world to be better isn’t accomplishing much.  We want things to change because we are afraid of being, poor, sick, homeless.  Our fear is creating more to fear.  We’ve once again been brainwashed and programmed that if we just “stay positive” everything will work out.  How’s that working for us America? 

We are being treated like cattle because we are acting like cattle.  We buy into every promise from those who lied over and over again.  We are stuck hoping and wishing that the politicians and corporations who broke it are going to fix it.  Why would they?  They have their trillions, their mansions, their planes.  Now they have the ultimate; power, control over humanity world wide!  This is what it’s about.  They want power, they want control.  I want you to take your power back.  I want you to honor humanity, all humanity.  I want you to heal your fear and come into wisdom, knowing that the power you have to change things is real.  You and I are influencing the world, the question is how are we influencing?  Are we adding fear, greed, apathy or are we awake, aware and alert to what’s going on around us and willing to stand up, speak out for truth and justice?

It will not get any easier than it is right now to stand.  Actually, it will probably get harder to do so as we are told that dissent is now equal to terrorism.  Before it goes any further, let’s stand together, for all humanity and move steadily in the direction of prosperity, well being and justice for Every Human Being on this planet.  It’s not enough to just want better for yourself, you’ve got to want it for all of us.  Then BE that.  You have not been given the spirit of fear, but of love and a sound mind, live in that energy.  Look fear and injustice in the eye and tell it NO.  I will not live in fear, I will  take my power and create a better world for All Humanity. 

It’s time.  Now!


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