Palestine Israel The Pope And Southern Baptist War Of Beliefs

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Let me start off by saying this blog is not so that you can agree with me.  Actually, it’s not relevant to me whether I am agreed with or not.  I have what my mother always called, “what comes up comes out” tendencies, meaning I don’t put much stock in political correctness and such silliness that keeps mankind enslaved to religion and political masters.  With that on the table I will continue.. a hum…. lol

When are we going to wake up to some real truths in this world?  Truths about the control of lies through religion and politics?  Do we have to be wiped out, diseased, does genocide have to include our family before we realize that there is something going on here behind the scenes?  How long must humanity, the whole planet suffer under the ignorance of religious and political rule?  Do you really think that you don’t have sense enough to self govern and you require others to make and enforce rules for your behavior?  Do these rules even work? NO!

You can not mandate morality or anything else by passing laws, arresting people or killing another large group of humans.  It DOES NOT work!  So why do we continue?  Right now people are taking sides over the Israeli and Palestinian “war”.  I can’t tell you how many people have gotten upset with me because the only side I choose is the side of life and humanity.  Some “Christians” choose Israel because they were told by the church that to curse Israel would bring a curse down on them.. and we don’t want to be cursed by GOD do we?  Others choose Palestine because they always support the underdog and Palestine is indeed that, they don’t have the billions of  bucks that the US gives to Israel or the weapons given as gifts either.  What Palestine does seem to have is some people who are really ticked off with Israel and who hide among the civilians in Gaza, bunch of cowards.  It’s also an act of cowardice to bomb hundreds of civilians in order to maybe wipe out a terrorist or two.

Yep, I’m digging down on this today boys n girls.  Hang in there with me.. I’ll make my point in another few lines or maybe another paragraph or two. 

I’m not interested in whether or not you support either of these political monsters or which religious monster you support either.. even the new age religion is part of this.  My point is that it’s all about control.  Total control.  Looking outside yourself for permission, power, acceptance, love, peace etc. etc. etc.  Here we are almost in 2015 still worshiping kings, popes, religion and doing so because of beliefs and FEAR!  Fear is the problem, it’s what keeps everyone in the loop of same old crap bringing about same old experiences.

We scream and protest that we want an end to war, we say we want peace, but we don’t get peace because peace is not WITHIN US!  No peace out there will last until we heal our anger and fear, drop like a hot rock each and every belief that has been used as a weapon against us, and live as free beings.  We are Consciousness.  We are Powerful.  We have the power within us to make things different.  Just wanting it will not get it.  Nor will fighting against what is not wanted change it.  Only as each of us takes the time to sit in the silence and know peace will peace have any chance at all anywhere on the planet.

A study was done a few years back showing that the planet was most violent when we are.  We see this happening again now.  What must happen so that we will WAKE UP to the truth of our own power and heal the fear?  I invite you to a journey of self discovery, if you are brave enough to look honestly in the mirror of your life and choose another path.  Choose the path of Consciousness.  Choose the side of life!

If you are ready to move  forward in your life start your journey back to self here   Also check out my books as they provide step by step guidance for taking your power back and living as Consciousness.  If you are ready to work with me for a specific need check out my website Consciousness Power where I offer several healing and support programs designed to guide you to self discovery.

Fear False Flags Conspiracy Keep YOU Under Control on Purpose!

How much of your life is controlled by fear?  You just might be surprised when you settle down, take a few deep breaths and look at how you react a lot more often than you consciously act. Fear is the primary tool of all those who would control and manipulate you and has been used for eons by religion, parents, tribes, politics and society in general to keep you in line with the status quo.  Even the spiritual community is saturated with the fear mindset, fear of negativity, not noticing out of fear of attracting something unwanted even though you have already created the unwanted and noticing it is the first step to realization that YOU can create different.

As you begin to notice how often fear controls your experience you will discover that the reason you are not living the life you want to live is the Fear Factor.  You don’t want to be called names, or seem different, or go against the norm and stand out.  Standing out is exactly what you were born to do, but due to the fear brain training you don’t express your awesomeness and don’t quite understand the feeling of aggravation that’s with you day in and day out.

You go from celebrity teacher, guru, alternative media one after the other trying to find answers for your life and what you get is more of the be afraid message.  Fear sales everything from food to clothing, to guns, bug out bags, vitamins, books, classes to eternal resting spots in graveyards. 

Only as you get honest with you about you and the role fear plays will you change anything in your life.  Today notice, just notice what you are feeling, thinking, doing and why.  Tune into your inner guidance system and be honest about what is going on there.  You might surprise yourself with all the AH Ha’s you run into today.

Join me at Awakened Radio Network

Change the direction you are going or you’ll end up where you’re headed



If you keep going without any changes you will end up where you are headed right now.  Is that where you really want to go?  Is it what you really want to experience? If you keep thinking what you’re thinking, feeling those same feeling, making the same choices based on the same energy you will end up with exactly what you are creating.  In order to get somewhere different, to experience something different, something must change.  You are what must change.  Your thinking, feeling, doing; is what’s bringing it all into form.

What energy are you making your decisions with now?  Fear?  Worry?  Anger?  Resentment?  Joy?  Love?  Excitement?

It really matters if you want to experience something else, something new.  Most are stuck in a rut carved out by the same beliefs, the same thoughts, the same feelings and yes, the same actions.  That’s why nothing much changes.  In order for things to change… well… things gotta change.

When you identify the thoughts, those pesky beliefs that you keep creating the same things over and over with and replace them with thoughts and beliefs that are in line with what you really want to experience you will begin to notice a shift in the way things line up in your life.  Notice how opportunities to make difference choices present themselves.  With the new opportunities be awake to what you are thinking and feeling, that’s how you make a different choice.  It’s easy to go back to your old style so be alert.  If you’ve dealt with beliefs that limit and replaced them with new empowering ones the choices will feel easier to make.

Changing directions doesn’t have to be hard.  Get caught up in the excitement of creating something new, connect with the feelings of having this new life.  Let that energy direct and encourage you to move forward in a new direction.  Getting out of your comfort zone opens you up to a whole new world of experiences and opportunities.  Run with them and let the celebration begin.

Be honest with what you feel, trace it backwards till you discover where it’s coming from.  Now you can let it go and keep moving forward.  Practice this process of change and watch how your life changes.

I’d love to hear about the changes you make in your life.  Leave me a comment.. tell me about it.

If you’d like a guidebook to changing things at the energy level check out my book.


Change the direction you are going or you’ll end up where you’re headed



If you keep going without any changes you will end up where you are headed right now.  Is that where you really want to go?  Is it what you really want to experience? If you keep thinking what you’re thinking, feeling those same feeling, making the same choices based on the same energy you will end up with exactly what you are creating.  In order to get somewhere different, to experience something different, something must change.  You are what must change.  Your thinking, feeling, doing; is what’s bringing it all into form.

What energy are you making your decisions with now?  Fear?  Worry?  Anger?  Resentment?  Joy?  Love?  Excitement?

It really matters if you want to experience something else, something new.  Most are stuck in a rut carved out by the same beliefs, the same thoughts, the same feelings and yes, the same actions.  That’s why nothing much changes.  In order for things to change… well… things gotta change.

When you identify the thoughts, those pesky beliefs that you keep creating the same things over and over with and replace them with thoughts and beliefs that are in line with what you really want to experience you will begin to notice a shift in the way things line up in your life.  Notice how opportunities to make difference choices present themselves.  With the new opportunities be awake to what you are thinking and feeling, that’s how you make a different choice.  It’s easy to go back to your old style so be alert.  If you’ve dealt with beliefs that limit and replaced them with new empowering ones the choices will feel easier to make.

Changing directions doesn’t have to be hard.  Get caught up in the excitement of creating something new, connect with the feelings of having this new life.  Let that energy direct and encourage you to move forward in a new direction.  Getting out of your comfort zone opens you up to a whole new world of experiences and opportunities.  Run with them and let the celebration begin.

Be honest with what you feel, trace it backwards till you discover where it’s coming from.  Now you can let it go and keep moving forward.  Practice this process of change and watch how your life changes.

I’d love to hear about the changes you make in your life.  Leave me a comment.. tell me about it.

If you’d like a guidebook to changing things at the energy level check out my book.


I voted for CHANGE not broken promises

Why is it that we keep believing what politicians tell us? Is it that we just hope that one of them will tell us the truth and actually do what they say or are we all just numbed by all the broken promises?

I think it’s some of both.  We are a hopeful people, humans all want dignity, and hope that each leader will bring that to the nation.  No matter the nation, the hope is the same.

Here in the US I voted for change.  I voted for a president who would do things differently than Bush had done.  I voted for my rights back, no torture, an end to war, health care reform and much more.

I voted for an end to lies in the White House.. remember the transparency promise???

I don’t know about you but throwing the “fear of terrorism” of 911 in my face in Obama’s recent speech informing this country of the reasons for more war just didn’t set right.  Matter of fact it got my dander up.  I felt angry and still do. 

This feels like more of the terrorist behind every Bush story to me.  We can’t provide health care to our Nation.. but we can afford to be deeper in debt for a war that we CAN NOT WIN!

We can’t provide jobs, food, housing for our citizens but we can continue giving huge contracts to businesses who charge us many times over what their services and products are worth.  We have as many private contractors in Afganistan as we do troops.  They are making the big bucks while our sons and daughters are being killed and maimed all in the name of what???

I know some will say that we must get “Bin Laden”, but do we really even know that he’s alive or that he was even responsible for 9/11?  No we don’t .  On Bin Ladens most wanted poster it’s not even listed ..

These are facts.. the media spins what they are told to spin and most people just believe what they are told, continuing the brainwashing to become complient, non thinking sheep.

What does this have to do with my teachings on law of attraction, spirituality and energy work?  Every thing.  We are not separate from one another.  What we do to one.. we do to all of us.  When we ignore need of other human beings basic survival in order to continue war, or bail out banks or save Wall St.. we are not expressing our Highest Selves.. we are being blind.  WE are listening to FEAR.. of terrorists, of not enough to go around.. This is bull hockey.. folks.. wake up..

I urge you to do some research on these things.  Don’t take my word for it.  What I’ve discovered would take years to write.. you can simply look for documentaires on the subject, go to amnesty, Move On and other places through Google.

Our power is the result of being informed of TRUTH>>> not following blindly what our leaders.. either politicians or religious leads tell us to believe..

There is too much of the “blind leading the blind”.  Open your eyes that you may see, and once you see.. stand for truth..

I want real change.. not more broken promises.. how bout you?

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Of course fear is a creative force

Figure 20 from Charles Darwin's The Expression...

Image via Wikipedia



I don’t think we understand just what the high were full force fear is. If we did I think we would begin acting in a totally different matter. People don’t seem to recognize the aid of force behind their fears. Marketing people understand it, politicians, and religious leaders understand the power of fear, yet for the most part the general population is unaware of what a major role fear plays in their daily lives.

I can’t begin to tell you how many times every week I burst into laughter at some of the emails I receive. People are warning me of the global heating that’s taking place and how I must spemd money to purchase  dried food and seed for the coming Destruction of the planet. Religious leaders and politicians warn us of impending doom as we began to work together with other nations. Others reaching out to touch me with the news that the very food I’m eating is causing me to be sick. The news of sickness, poverty, death and destruction are all around us. It seems that the surest way to get someone to buy a product is to scare them into believing that without this purchase or the acceptance of this belief their lives will be ruined.

Building your life on fear will indeed create things for you to be fearful of. Whatever energy you use to create anything is the energy of that finished creation. Yet most of us seem to think that if we use fear to build our society it will somehow result in peace, abundance and plenty. This is insanity !

Marketers, politicians, and religious leaders know the power of fear. It has been used since the beginning of mankind to keep the population in line so that those in power can maintain power and gather unto themselves the majority of the financial abundance. What a wonderful scheme keeping people in the energy of terror so that they do not ask too many questions for fear of displeasing their creator, or attracting the wrong attention to their own lives. The vast majority of the people on our planet have become like a frightened herd of sheep moved from one place to the next by the media and the pulpit.

It is time to wake up America! Open your eyes, open your hearts and take a good long hard look at the bill of goods you’re being sold. Begin by questioning what every newscast tells you to be true.  Those of you involved in religious organizations, read your holy books and find out whether or not these things are true. Only as we empower ourselves with the truth will we become the change which we desire for the world.

Take back your power! Stop walking in fear and embrace love fully and completely. Only through love will you see behind the veil and come into an understanding of what is true. Fear does not reveal truth, it always brings about confusion and violence. Our world is changing, change is the constant of life. The question we need to ask self is what energy we will work with and what the subsequent changes will be. Rather than looking outside of yourself to find your answers in a political leader or religious leader take time to look to the creator within and listen for the truth.

Open your spiritual eyes and always let love be the energy that guides you , in every choice and every decision. When your actions are the outflow of your connection with love your creations will bring about prosperity, abundance, and well being for the planet. It is only by creating with the energy of love that the results will be positive and helpful for all. Let us release fear while fully embracing love. Let love be our countenance and are ever present guide

For more information on creating with positive energy

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Self empowerment movement is calling you

Since 1995 I’ve been working on line as a healer, a spiritual coach, teacher and writer. Over the past several years I’ve watched many changes take place not only on the Internet but in our world as well. I’ve seen a wall of fear energy grow and fill even our light workers and our energy healers.

I guess on the one hand it’s understandable because you cannot turn on the television or even ride down the road without being bombarded by messages of fear. It seems sometimes that fear is coming at us from all directions.

People on the left , liberals and Democrats, energy workers and healers, greenies and recyclers, are all telling us that we’re bringing destruction to our planet and that in a few more million years it will be uninhabitable for the human race. We are also being told that due to genetic manipulation of our foods that they’re not nutritional for us any longer and we must spend four times as much in order to get food that nourishes our body.

The right, Republicans and conservatives tell us that we’re losing sight of our righteousness and gaining the disapproval of GOD. This message is that all good things and approval of the Creator are outside ourselves and must be sought, even earned through our suffering and sacrifice. Now we are bombarded with the threat of a new fear in the form of a flu or the very vaccine that is supposed to help keep you from having this flu.

It seems that no matter where one looks fear is on the menu. Recently during meditation Spirit ask me to stop pussy footing all round some hard truths. These truths only appear to be hard due to so many people not wanting to listen to them. This is a spiritual fact; there is love and there’s fear.

Everything falls into one of these two camps. It doesn’t matter whether you were metaphysically inclined, are dogmatically religious , there are only two energies at play and these are love and fear. I am very perplexed at the amount of brainwashing affecting most people in this country. Someone who is supposed to be in authority tells you something to be afraid of and you just immediately fall in line with the fear. You accept without any conscious thought whatsoever what you are told in the news media and advertising and even in the pulpit.

We say that we are conscious beings , but most have very little if any awareness of where their beliefs come from. I am amazed at the similarity between the two camps of spirituality and religious people. Both have given way to fear of disease, war, poverty, and lack.

This is a wake-up call. A call to consciousness, a reminder of who you are and how powerful you are. Whether you were trying to change the world so that it will not overheat and boil us all into steam, or you were trying to save us from the liberals who would socialize our government thus controlling our every thought and action, the energy is the same; FEAR! Fear only and always reproduces in its own image. This is LIFE, ever expanding, ever reproducing more in its own likeness. It does not matter which fear camp you to set your tent up in, fear is fear. Today Spirit is inviting you to join in a new movement which only sees perfection , love, harmony and abundance. You can only bring this forth into physical experience when this is the only reality you see. Some will say, but Donna don’t we need to pay attention to all the horrible things going on in the world today? My answer is, only if you wish to continue by the giving of your energy to the states to see more of them. This is truth. What you give your attention and your energy to, always, always, creates more of itself in its image and likeness. This is creative principle, it is spiritual law.

I would like to invite you to join my healing network where you can add your positive energy to the positive energy of others around the world as we bring forth awareness of divine perfection, love, harmony, an abundance for all beings. As a healer and teacher I feel inspired to work with as many who are ready to hear so that they too may be empowered by and of the truths to take his powerful message to the world.

I do hope you’ll join me and tell all your friends so that together we create a world that is in harmony with spiritual law reflecting our inner harmony and understanding of spiritual truths.

Click here to join on Earth Mother Self Heal network and make a positive difference in our world

Why Can’t we just all get along?

My youngest daughter and I share our lives with dogs, large and small, cats, frogs and birds outside on the feeder.

They all get along.  They love each other, respect each other and take time to bond with each other.

No one has ever told any of them that they are not supposed to be friends.

No one ever showed them by example that what is most important is their being right at the expense of the other being wrong.

We humans teach our young to fear, hate and distrust one another.  We do it because this is what we were taught by parents who were taught the same thing.

Growing up in rural Alabama I was surrounded by people who didn’t like people with different colored skin, or from other countries.  It never made sense to  me then and still doesn’t all these years later.

Fear is a strange thing.  It rears it’s  ugly head against people who we don’t even know, things we don’t even understand.

As for me and my house, we decided years ago to just get along.  Agreeing on love and respect is the most important thing.  We don’t always agree on religion, politics and what makes a move good enough to spend time watching, but we always agree that love is the most powerful force there is.

Be the change in your circle today by making the decision to love.

My newest and most powerful healing and abundance tool is finally available.  You’ve been asking for this.. check it out today!

Why Can’t we just all get along?

My youngest daughter and I share our lives with dogs, large and small, cats, frogs and birds outside on the feeder.

They all get along.  They love each other, respect each other and take time to bond with each other.

No one has ever told any of them that they are not supposed to be friends.

No one ever showed them by example that what is most important is their being right at the expense of the other being wrong.

We humans teach our young to fear, hate and distrust one another.  We do it because this is what we were taught by parents who were taught the same thing.

Growing up in rural Alabama I was surrounded by people who didn’t like people with different colored skin, or from other countries.  It never made sense to  me then and still doesn’t all these years later.

Fear is a strange thing.  It rears it’s  ugly head against people who we don’t even know, things we don’t even understand.

As for me and my house, we decided years ago to just get along.  Agreeing on love and respect is the most important thing.  We don’t always agree on religion, politics and what makes a move good enough to spend time watching, but we always agree that love is the most powerful force there is.

Be the change in your circle today by making the decision to love.

My newest and most powerful healing and abundance tool is finally available.  You’ve been asking for this.. check it out today!

Changing the What Ifs in Your Life, Changes Your Life

You’re playing a what if game and losing most of the time.  The what if game is the train of thoughts running through your head and emotions that goes something like this.

What if I lose my job?

What if my mate leaves me?

What if I don’t have enough money?

What if I never find anyone to marry?

What if I get sick?

What if ____   _____ _____.  You fill in the blanks for your personal favorites.

The point is that thinking and feeling this way keeps you first in line to get just exactly what you are imagining happening.

Remember the story of Job, “that which I most feared has come upon me”?

Fear of something happening is just like really, really wishing for it to happen.

The Law of Attraction doesn’t know whether you are really wanting these things or if you are trying to avoid them.  Law of Attraction works on the feelings, the strong vibration messages you send out.

Yes, energetically means yes.. but so does NO>> NO>> NOOOO>>>>

They both send out signals of strong feeling that attract what the focus is on.

The reason that things you don’t want seem to come so much faster and easier into  your life is the passion you have towards them.

Turn this passion on concerning the things that you really do want and see what happens.

Play a new What If game.  Rather than what if all the bad stuff happens, turn the tables.

What if i find the perfect job?

What if my mate and I grow even closer together?

What if I make more money this year than ever?

What if I meet Mr../ Miss Right?

What if my body gets stronger and healthier ?

By placing this version of the what if game you open your life up to the highest and best your can imagine and bring it more quickly into your experience.

When you play the game allow your imagination to run forward as far as it can with the what if questions.  The more you play it the more quickly you will change your thinking patterns and your life will fill more quickly the these wonderful experiences.